Originally Posted by
William W
Continuing -
I found Martin's comment interesting (my underline now for emphasis) - "The "no hands" argument seems, more often than not, to come from Camera Club judges whose expertise lies with taking photographs of subjects other than people and are bound by the competition rules and definitions."
It seems understandable, though perhaps not reasonable that when someone (i.e. a ‘Judge’) is out of their usual area of expertise then they would refer to something in black and white – i.e. ‘the rules’.
I am also speculating that Martin has had some interactions with Camera Club Judges who may have been more interested in 'judging by the Rules' and probably good at expounding 'the Rules' to the entrants and less inclined to view Competition Portraiture on: Artistic Merit, Visual Impact and A Story Told; probably also not so versed in Critique.
My view is, that if a continuum of Architectural, Landscape, Aerial, Scientific, Metallurgical, et al, Photographers are invited to judge Portraiture, then the Camera Club Membership should be pushing the Camera Club Executive to revisit whom they invite as Judges for competitions.
Additionally, in my experience, many Camera Club's "competition rules" often do NOT include "Judging Criteria".