16th September 2020, 08:24 PM
Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 3rd Quarter
Geoff, perhaps you should place something between the camera and the scene to gain some picture depth...
The introduction of some leaves, branches, whatever in the foreground would created a better scene...
Perhaps even kneel down or shoot as above as possible...
Care to try ?
Cheers !
17th September 2020, 07:09 PM
Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 3rd Quarter
There hasn't been much rain here during the summer, Bruce, just a few dull days with slight drizzle and when we had some short periods of better rain most of it just ran off the dry ground without really soaking in. More on the north Devon coast and Dartmoor.
Yes, powdery mildew forms in dry weather. My courgettes have also suffered from the problem and my summer turnips were small and tough, although an autumn sowing is growing better with cooler conditions.
I did try various angles, Antonio, including showing less of the pumpkin patch and concentrating more on the straw bales in a widescreen format. But with this particular shot I wanted to include the pumpkin flowers. I was standing in the road up against a barbed wire fence and had to avoid some tall weeds which were closer to me.
In order to include the bales, with distant hedge and sky, I needed my focus point to be sufficiently far away to give enough focus depth, as Bruce mentioned. Also, the area to my left was in heavy shadow so I wanted to avoid that part of the scene. I did consider including the wire fence but it is just a narrow single track road, leading to the sewage works, so I was up against the far hedge without enough distance between me and the wire.
Maybe, on another day, it might be possible to walk along the road and find another position which could make a scene from the wire, with weeds, and some pumpkin flowers without showing the sky etc.
18th September 2020, 06:08 PM
18th September 2020, 06:24 PM
Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 3rd Quarter
So beautiful, i can breath the rustic fragrance....
19th September 2020, 05:46 PM
Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 3rd Quarter
Thanks, Nandakumar.
I have returned to the last image and had another go with it. Slightly tighter crop and more contrast this time.
25th September 2020, 05:03 PM
26th September 2020, 12:13 AM
Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 3rd Quarter
A good set of photos. My favourites are probably #2 and 4. #4 is sharp and has drama.
The first one has a lot going for it but I wondered what it would look like with the boat made to disappear (probably not the easiest of tasks here). It would then ensure that the focus was on the surf boarder.
26th September 2020, 07:26 PM
Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 3rd Quarter
Thanks for the reply, Bruce.
Week 39 - Ploughing at Motherhill Farm. It was a clear bright afternoon and I noticed the farmer was ploughing in a nearby field so I had a go at capturing the scene and including a bit of the wider landscape, although the closest foreground area was a bit further away than I would have liked.

7D with Canon 70-200 lens 1/200 F11 Iso 200. Merge of two conversions from a single Raw image

Ideally, I should have pressed the shutter a few seconds earlier. Also, I did think about going along the road to get closer but that would have produced light coming from the wrong angle with a poor background scene.
28th September 2020, 02:24 PM
Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 3rd Quarter
Week 37. I agree, the broken fence is a bit distracting, and doesn't lend much to the scene.
30th September 2020, 02:11 PM
Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 3rd Quarter
Some people seem to see that sort of thing as an artistic rural object while others just see a broken fence. I tend to be in the second group, but had a go at a different sort of scene anyway. 
Week 40 - The Turkeys are coming Another shot at the farm beside where I often record wildlife. These really are free range birds.

7D with Tamron 24-70 lens 1/500 F11 Iso 200. Merge of two conversions from a single Raw file.
30th September 2020, 11:23 PM
Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 3rd Quarter
I enjoyed the turkey shoot, both as a photo and also because I thought of a different kind of turkey shoot that my brother in law has been on.
This photo had a wide dynamic range with white turkeys and dark shade but the final result works well.
1st October 2020, 06:11 PM
Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 3rd Quarter
Thanks Bruce. My only option was to shoot at an exposure which suited the white birds then try to recover something from the shadows during editing.
They were very inquisitive birds and they strutted across that narrow field to come close to see what I was doing. So I tried for some close ups but I was on the other side of a stream and low hedge and when I looked at my shots on the computer screen I realised there was too much out of focus foliage to be able to produce anything worthwhile.
The fourth quarter of my 2020 Project 52 is here
2020 Project 52 by Geoff F
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