almost 8 months old now.
Arrow (missed those eyes ...)
Arrow by sharonkay finley, on Flickr
Wynter (lots of technical flaws, but cute expression)
Wynter by sharonkay finley, on Flickr
almost 8 months old now.
Arrow (missed those eyes ...)
Arrow by sharonkay finley, on Flickr
Wynter (lots of technical flaws, but cute expression)
Wynter by sharonkay finley, on Flickr
They look like so much fun!
I think that these shots really show the personalities if these beautiful dogs.
However, I would consider cropping the first image a bit closer to eliminate the fence at image top. The second image is fine as it is but, I would also consider a closer crop...
As far as missing focus on eyes... Although I have been photographing dogs for many years before the advent of Sony Animal Eye AF, that capability has really made dog photography easier and more fun for me. Is Animal Eye AF absolutely necessary? Heck no! But. it does allow me to concentrate more on the image...
Bonny dogs
Thanks for the suggestions Richard. You are a wonderful canine photographer, and I love your input. Often times, the eyes are too dark with my results, so I need to probably focus differently. Of course, easier said than done with bouncy dogs
I'm gonna check out that tool you use too.
I like to use a fill flash when photographing dogs... The flash provides catchlights in the eyes of the dog. I don't use straight on flash for this because of the very likely chance of the awful blue eyed effect that straight on flash will produce. Bouncing the flash into a reflector diffuser, even while shooting outdoors, will often make the eyes look more alive...
The Canon 270EX ii is a great little flash for someone who uses Canon gear. It's small and light and I used to put it on my camera and forget about t until I wanted to turn it on. It has high speed sync capability also. Joe demb has a swell little bonce card that fits the 270EX just great!
I am keeping my 270EX ii because I gave my little Canon SC50 EX to my wife and the 270EX ii is a great flash for that camera.
I wish that there was an equivalent size and capability flash for my Sony cameras...
Last edited by rpcrowe; 23rd July 2020 at 07:01 PM.
Lovely dogs Sharon