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Thread: Adobe Camera Raw

  1. #1

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    David Phillips

    Adobe Camera Raw

    I`ve recently bought a new PC running Win 10 and am having a problem.

    I`ve installed CS4 and Bridge downloaded from the web,since the disc appears to have done a runner, but as for ACR 5.4,I can get no further than the download.

    A prompt tells me to double click the .exe file but it`s nowhere to be found.I spent over an hour earlier searching the C drive to no avail.

    Can anyone suggest something I can try to resolve this issue please?The ACR installer sits in the downloads folder useless!!So damned frustrating.

    Many thanks,Dave

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    You are looking at 12 year old software that was designed to run on the Windows XP platform. I'm not sure that it is supported under Windows 10; that could be why it is not installing.

    This is nothing new for Adobe (and other software vendors); I've had to upgrade my operating system to run updated versions of their software. Old software will not necessarily even install on a newer operating system.

    As an example, my Windows 8 laptop will not install anything more recent than Photoshop CC 2018.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 30th July 2020 at 06:28 PM.

  3. #3

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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    Yes, Adobe is like that. I had CS5 but a new camera wasn't recognised. So I did an update and the whole software was deleted.

    Looks like you have the choice of signing up for the Adobe CC package or going to a different company for something else. If going to CC make sure you only get the Photoshop/Lightroom package and Bridge as an add on extra not the whole and very expensive CC complete set up.

    Incidentally, I have given up on Photoshop 2020, which is so slow on my computer, and gone back to the 2019 version. Probably I will eventually have to give up on Photoshop which keeps adding more complexity that is far more than I require.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    I am still struggling to get my mind around the new Adobe Bridge interface with the 2020 version. I am too old to deal with constant changes but, I guess that I have to live with it. It probably would have been a better setup had I begun my Adobe Bridge work with this new interface but now

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I am still struggling to get my mind around the new Adobe Bridge interface with the 2020 version. I am too old to deal with constant changes but, I guess that I have to live with it. It probably would have been a better setup had I begun my Adobe Bridge work with this new interface but now
    Richard - nothing substantial has changed with Bridge. What Adobe has done is implemented a new interface for Camera Raw and they have gone with one that is identical to the one in Lightroom.

    I have rolled back to an older version of ACR and complained to Adobe about the new version. I've always strongly disliked the cluttered user interface that they've burdened Lightroom with and is one of the reasons I generally avoided that piece of software. The only advantages that the Adobe software has over the competition are the ability to open the file as a SmartObject and they fact that one can use the L*a*b* and CMYK colour spaces natively. Something none of the other raw converters (including LR) support; only ACR.

    Right now I am leaning toward DxO PhotoLab 3 as my primary raw convertor, but am also looking at Capture One.

  6. #6
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    've always strongly disliked the cluttered user interface that they've burdened Lightroom with and is one of the reasons I generally avoided that piece of software.
    Have you set edit panel behavior to "single" in settings, general? With that set, it's pretty tidy: some options are in the border, as they were in the old interface, and the rest are lined up in a single column, with just the headers showing. When you open one of those up, only the relevant controls show, and as soon as you open up any other, the first set disappears. When you open up a control from the margin, that replaces the panel of controls entirely. I find it quite tidy. It's not entirely like Lightroom, which doesn't stick some of the controls in the margin; it's more like a hybrid of the old ACR and LR.

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Have you set edit panel behavior to "single" in settings, general? With that set, it's pretty tidy: some options are in the border, as they were in the old interface, and the rest are lined up in a single column, with just the headers showing. When you open one of those up, only the relevant controls show, and as soon as you open up any other, the first set disappears. When you open up a control from the margin, that replaces the panel of controls entirely. I find it quite tidy. It's not entirely like Lightroom, which doesn't stick some of the controls in the margin; it's more like a hybrid of the old ACR and LR.
    I have Dan and I still don't like it.

    It's all about the layout and how various functions are accessed. The old ACR interface worked very well for my workflow with fewer steps and mouse clicks. To some extent is is what I am used to.

  8. #8
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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    Upgrading Software: I am not a fan of “subscription” software…but after reviewing what I have spent over the years paying for upgrades and newer versions, over the long term, paying for the subscription service doesn’t really add much (if anything) to the overall cost and you have benefit of always running the most current software.

  9. #9

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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    You are looking at 12 year old software that was designed to run on the Windows XP platform. I'm not sure that it is supported under Windows 10; that could be why it is not installing.

    This is nothing new for Adobe (and other software vendors); I've had to upgrade my operating system to run updated versions of their software. Old software will not necessarily even install on a newer operating system.

    As an example, my Windows 8 laptop will not install anything more recent than Photoshop CC 2018.
    I have CS2 running on Win 10 1909 (and previously back to 1709).

  10. #10

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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    I too have CS2 on Windows 10 also Word XP They're not supported but they still run

  11. #11
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    Quote Originally Posted by stuck View Post
    I have CS2 running on Win 10 1909 (and previously back to 1709).
    Running is different that installing. I had CS running on Vista (and Windows 7, if I remember correctly), but it was on the machine when the OS was upgraded from XP. New installs can be different as the installer does check the OS and will not allow the software to install on a non-compatible OS.

    My Windows 8 laptop will not install anything newer than CC 2018.

  12. #12

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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Running is different that installing. I had CS running on Vista (and Windows 7, if I remember correctly), but it was on the machine when the OS was upgraded from XP. New installs can be different as the installer does check the OS and will not allow the software to install on a non-compatible OS.

    My Windows 8 laptop will not install anything newer than CC 2018.
    Umm, my Win 10 box is running CS2 because I installed it on Win 10.

  13. #13
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    Quote Originally Posted by stuck View Post
    Umm, my Win 10 box is running CS2 because I installed it on Win 10.
    In that case you were lucky. That is one version I did not stick with and upgraded as soon as CS3 was available. The installers on the newer versions do an OS check and will not install on an non-compatible machine. I suspect that there might be some installer hacks around, but I don't bother as I do use the newer features in my work and have no compelling reason to change right now.

    I stuck with CS because with CS 2 Adobe changed the minimum screen size requirements and I could not run it on my netbook computer due to its small screen size. I stuck with CS4 for some time as I needed to upgrade my hardware because it was below the minimum requirements (I use the whole Adobe Suite, not just Photoshop) and if I remember correctly, Premiere Pro was the issue for me with that release; I upgraded the software when I upgraded my computer. I stuck with CS 6 when Creative Cloud came out and I wanted to see what the implications of that were before switching.

    Now I am stuck with CC 2018 on my laptop because it is still on Windows 8 and CC 2020 requires Windows 10; here the installer is automatic and it does not even attempt to install. This is a bit of a problem as some of software (Lightroom Classic) does not run well and I suspect a video driver issue. Unfortunately the machine is so old the the laptop manufacturer no longer updates the firmware / drivers.

  14. #14

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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    In that case you were lucky...
    No luck involved. I simply read the error message the installer gave first time I ran it and realised all that I had to do was change it default path and get it to install some where other than:
    C:\Program Files (x86)
    because as far as the CS2 installer is concerned '(' and ')' are illegal characters for a path. I created a folder called:
    C:\Program Files Legacy x86
    and the installer ran without issue.

  15. #15

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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    I do have CC 2020 on Windows 7 but some bits are slow, particularly working with brushes to edit layers etc. Which is why I have mostly reverted back to CC 2019 now.

  16. #16
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    This issue isn't limited to photo software. As hardware becomes more capable, software developers take advantage of it, and that encourages software developers to do more, etc.

  17. #17

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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    As the originator of this threadI`m amused at the direction it has taken since I first posted.I`m still in the same position
    here being unable to install ACR 5.4 for my copy of CS4.
    My main camera is Sony A350,some 10 years old now and working well.Since I always shoot raw not having ACR is a major problem.

    However I`ve now installed Sony`s Imaging Edge and find its raw converter adequate for conversion to tiff which can then be opened in CS4.
    It`s a bit of an inconvenience but I hope when I get used to a different workflow I`ll be happy.

    I would ultimately still like to be able to use ACR but don`t see that happening soon.I`ve spent hours trawling Adobe on the net but they seem to assume that ACR is installed because all I can get is ACR updaters.
    If anyone thinks they can help the latest version of ACR that works in CS4 is 5.7.

    Thanks for your patience,Dave

    edit:another thing about this fiasco is that CS4,Bridge and ACR 5.7 are installed on the old C drive running Win 8.1 but not retrievable unless anyone knows a workaround?I doubt it but am ever hopeful.Dave
    Last edited by swanseadave; 6th August 2020 at 09:08 AM.

  18. #18
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    Quote Originally Posted by swanseadave View Post
    As the originator of this threadI`m amused at the direction it has taken since I first posted.I`m still in the same position
    here being unable to install ACR 5.4 for my copy of CS4.
    My main camera is Sony A350,some 10 years old now and working well.Since I always shoot raw not having ACR is a major problem.

    However I`ve now installed Sony`s Imaging Edge and find its raw converter adequate for conversion to tiff which can then be opened in CS4.
    It`s a bit of an inconvenience but I hope when I get used to a different workflow I`ll be happy.

    I would ultimately still like to be able to use ACR but don`t see that happening soon.I`ve spent hours trawling Adobe on the net but they seem to assume that ACR is installed because all I can get is ACR updaters.
    If anyone thinks they can help the latest version of ACR that works in CS4 is 5.7.

    Thanks for your patience,Dave

    edit:another thing about this fiasco is that CS4,Bridge and ACR 5.7 are installed on the old C drive running Win 8.1 but not retrievable unless anyone knows a workaround?I doubt it but am ever hopeful.Dave
    I have "install disks" for CS4. PM me If you would like iso images that you could install ACR from.

  19. #19

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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    Quote Originally Posted by swanseadave View Post
    As the originator of this thread, I'm amused at the direction it has taken since I first posted. I'm still in the same position here being unable to install ACR 5.4 for my copy of CS4.I doubt it but am ever hopeful.Dave
    Hope springs eternal, Dave. "ACR 5.4" rang a bell. I think 5 was the first version with a camera profile tab - hence my interest. So I downloaded it long ago to add to Elements 6 running under Windows XP (yep, that long ago). Apart from ignoring my .DCPs desperately added for Foveon X3F, it worked well enough, IIRC.

    This probably doesn't help you at all, sorry ...
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 6th August 2020 at 03:15 PM.

  20. #20

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    Re: Adobe Camera Raw

    Quote Originally Posted by Round Tuit View Post
    I have "install disks" for CS4. PM me If you would like iso images that you could install ACR from.
    Thank you Andre.Tried PM but doesn`t seem to be working,probably my error.Appreciate your offer and accept.


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