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Thread: How good is the EXPRESSION PHOTO HD XP-15000

  1. #1
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    How good is the EXPRESSION PHOTO HD XP-15000

    I am about to replace the Epson Stylus Photo R3000 and I am considering the Expression Photo HD XP-15000
    Considering that I do not want to above the A3+ is this a good choice ?
    Thank you !

    How good is the EXPRESSION PHOTO HD XP-15000

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: How good is the EXPRESSION PHOTO HD XP-15000

    If you are printing with the R3000, the closest equivalent in the Epson line is the new P700. Like the R3000 it is a pigment ink printer that goes up to A3+ paper size and is a true wide gamut printer.

    The XP-15000 is a dye based printer and is not going to give you archival print capability nor are you likely to find third party papers being supported on it (i.e. ICC profiles), is it is not considered to be a true photo quality printer.

  3. #3
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: How good is the EXPRESSION PHOTO HD XP-15000

    Thank you so much Manfred for your very useful help.
    I will choose the P700, then.
    Rather expensive, isn't it ?

    Cheers !

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: How good is the EXPRESSION PHOTO HD XP-15000

    If my P800 dies, I would replace it with the P900, which is even more expensive, but goes up to A2 paper size.

    If you want a good review of the P700, have a look at this article on

  5. #5
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: How good is the EXPRESSION PHOTO HD XP-15000

    Thank you Manfred but your advice is good enough.

    I have not decided to buy it. I am almost here.
    The R3000 doesn't feed the paper and has been for repairing twice...
    I am sorry because I do have some brand new spare cartridges which will be lost in the change.
    I will ask how much is the repair and decide then.

    Thank you for the link which I will read carefully !

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