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Thread: Experiment...

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Off the Cuff Experiment...

    I had the Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 lens on my A7iii and my Sony 70-350mm on my APSC A6600 camera yesterday. I wanted the 28-75mm on my A6600 for dog portraits. I switched the 70-350mm APSC format lens to the A7iii, because I did not have lens caps readily available and wanted to protect the rear element of the lens and the A7iii sensor.

    The camera sat that way on my desk until this morning when I wondered what a shot with the 70-350mm lens might look like on the A7iii. Obviously, the camera would revert to APSC format with this lens and the resolution would be around 10 MP, which should be fine for images destined for posting. I wondered whether the smaller pixel density might help a high iSO image?

    I shot this image in Aperture priority mode with auto ISO. The final exposure was 1/100 second at f/7.1 using an amazing ISO of 12,800... Should be a trashy image, right? Not quite... What do you think?


    Would not be my first choice when shooting... But, it did produce an acceptable image...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 21st September 2020 at 04:03 PM.

  2. #2
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Off the Cuff Experiment...

    More than acceptable for a high ISO image I would say.

    Cameras have come on in leaps and bounds with ISO performance. 10 years ago I was shooting with a 10MP aps-c camera and I would rarely go above ISO400 as noise was quite noticeable at ISO 800 and above. I now use a FF 36MP camera and have no issue using ISO3200

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Off the Cuff Experiment...

    Very acceptable in my books, however because of the texture of fur and blankets any signs of noise is lessened somewhat. Still, it looks fine to me.
    Cheers Ole

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