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Thread: A few wasps in boneset

  1. #1
    DanK's Avatar
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    A few wasps in boneset

    We try to plant a lot of native plants because many imports won't support a lot of native pollinators. By far our most successful is a patch of Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum), which isn't very attractive in my view but is loved by pollinators of all sorts. This afternoon it was literally swarming with pollinators, including honeybees (not native), a few different species of bumblebees (native), several other species of native bees, and a whole bunch of different kinds of wasps. I decided that I'm tired of photographing bumblebees and honeybees, so I chased after a bunch of wasps. Fortunately, they were so interested in the boneset that they didn't care about me, which is good because I', allergic to their stings. They were moving very fast, but I was able to get a few acceptable shots. Here are four of them.

    For those who are interested, I shot these with an old 7D, with a 100mm macro attached with a 1.4x converter and a 10mm extension tube. I used a diffused flash. They are all f/13, 1/125, ISO 200, with TTL flash controlling exposure.

    I'd actually like to replace the 7D. I use it because it has a higher pixel density than my 5d IV. However, it's a very old sensor design, and the images degrade when I have to raise the shadows, which is often. However, I do few enough bugs now that I can't justify replacing it.

    A few wasps in boneset

    A few wasps in boneset

    A few wasps in boneset

    A few wasps in boneset

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Central Texas, USA

    Re: A few wasps in boneset

    Excellent, all. As the cliche says, it’s not so much the equipment as the skill of the operator.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: A few wasps in boneset

    Nice lighting and consequently, shots Dan.

    Stay safe,

  4. #4
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: A few wasps in boneset

    They are all sharp and excellent as much part as within the frame; but somehow i am disappointed how they are cut across wing, etc.; probably conditioned to be unhappy about that? don't know.....

  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: A few wasps in boneset

    I often crop wings or legs to maximize the size of the body or to improve it’s position in the frame. All a matter of taste.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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