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Thread: Yep I'm filthy and I don't care!

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Melbourne, Australia
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    Yep I'm filthy and I don't care!

    We enjoy watching dogs playing. This dog was playing in the water as well as in the mud. The owner just laughed and said he was getting a nice bath later and he can complain as much as he like. C&C welcome

    Yep I'm filthy and I don't care!Yep I'm filthy and I don't care! by Ole Hansen, on Flickr

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Southern California, USA
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    Re: Yep I'm filthy and I don't care!

    Makes me smile... My Maltese and my Goldendoodle will get that dirty but, my rough coated Jack Russell Terrier can splash through the deepest mud puddles and never get dirty. Don't know what it is about her coat that makes her a wash and wear dog...

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