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Thread: Question for Manfred re: previous post

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Question for Manfred re: previous post

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Very strange. When I use ACR to edit multiple images, I do all the edits on a single image and then copy those edits to the other ones I am applying the same adjustments too. That gives me the speed of working on a single image. It can take several seconds as the adjustments are applied to the other files I have copied my original edits to.

    I am posting this in a new string rather that hijacking Grahame's posting...

    I have not experienced any appreciable slow-down in processing my 24 MG Sony A7iii or A6600 files when working in ACR...

    However, as per your quote, how do you make the corrections to one image and then copy these corrections to additional images?

    Since I often shoot relatively large numbers of dog portraits under controlled studio-like conditions, I often need to make slight changes over all of these images.

    I would like to experiment with making the corrections to one image and then copying those corrections o other images in the set and see if it speeds up my PP...


  2. #2
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Question for Manfred re: previous post

    If I may answer this in Manfred's stead, the way I do it is to use the simple copy/paste functions....Ctrl-C Ctrl-V in windows. Select all the images you are going to paste the edits to using the filmstrip in ACR

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Question for Manfred re: previous post

    I've never done this in ACR, but in LR, it is very simple and powerful. Both the "copy settings" (used to copy from one photo to another) and the "sync settings" (used to copy from one photo to many) give you a dialog box which allow you to check which settings you want to copy. You can copy as many or as few as you want. I'll paste the dialog.

    Question for Manfred re: previous post

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Question for Manfred re: previous post

    There are many different ways to do it, this one is the one I use the most. From Bridge select an image to work on and open into ACR. Do you adjustments, say done which should take you to where you selected the original image. Now select all the other images you want to make the same adjustment to, go to Edit>Development Settings>Previous Conversion hit Enter all those selected will have those adjustments applied to them.

    Cheers: Allan

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Question for Manfred re: previous post

    I'm still on an older version of ACR as it is far more efficient for my work flow, but I seem to remember that the updated version does this as well.

    1. I open all of the files I want to effect through Bridge and they open in ACR

    2. I select one of the images and do my adjustments on it.

    3. There is a small area with four bars near the top corner of the user interface. I click on it.

    4. I use the "Select All" to select all of the other files.

    5. I click on "Sych Settings" to apply the edits to all of the images.

    6. I can then proceed as normal in Photoshop as the sidecar file data now has the edits I made. The raw file will open in ACR where I can do more work, if desired or I can proceed to work in Photoshop.

    Question for Manfred re: previous post

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