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Thread: Sometimes I get so bored with life - more flowers....

  1. #21
    Sam Smith's Avatar
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    Re: Sometimes I get so bored with life - more flowers....

    Thanks for information Rob. I will start to look for light after xmas of course. Buying them now would land me in disfavor with the money manager (wife).

  2. #22
    Camellia's Avatar
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    Re: Sometimes I get so bored with life - more flowers....

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    Just to prove I do listen to the ladies...

    Sometimes I get so bored with life - more flowers....
    I like it Rob. Thanks!

    I notice there's a bit of pollen on the petals. Does that bother you? I've cloned bits of pollen and dust out my flower photos. I don't know if it makes them unnaturally perfect. Just one of my foibles.

    I do love the texture of the petals in this photo. And I'm keen to learn more about your lighting set ups. I keep saying I must experiment with lighting. I am going to do this even if it takes me a while to buy everything. In the meantime, keep the information coming for sponges like me. Thanks!

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