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Thread: Z6 Trial 70-200mm High ISO Performance

  1. #1
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Z6 Trial 70-200mm High ISO Performance

    This past weekend I had the oppurtunity to test out the Nikon Z6 using the FTZ adaptor with the 70-200 f/2.8 in low light and very wet conditions. Normally I would use the D800 for these events but what I'm learning is that this camera is superior in low light with respect to noise.

    Here's a few examples from the event, the highest ISO and a few favourites. The only noise reduction being ACR default settings.

    No 1 - ISO 5600 the highest reached

    Z6 Trial 70-200mm High ISO Performance

    No 2 - ISO 2500

    Z6 Trial 70-200mm High ISO Performance

    No 3 - ISO 1400

    Z6 Trial 70-200mm High ISO Performance

    No 4 - ISO 1400

    Z6 Trial 70-200mm High ISO Performance

    Last edited by Stagecoach; 8th October 2020 at 04:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Z6 Trial 70-200mm High ISO Performance

    From a noise standpoint, the images look quite clean, especially in those dark areas that tend to be susceptible to digital noise. Given the muted light you were shooting in, that is not a big surprise as the soft light would help there and frankly, for a modern camera ISO 5600 is not pushing it too hard. The exposures look good and that is often the most important part of controlling sensor noise as it can show up when pushing an underexposed image up to get a usable image.

    I used to shoot the D800 at ISO 6400 without even thinking about it and this camera is two generations newer, so one would expect improved performance. Looks like the focus tracking works well too.

  3. #3
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Z6 Trial 70-200mm High ISO Performance

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    From a noise standpoint, the images look quite clean, especially in those dark areas that tend to be susceptible to digital noise. Given the muted light you were shooting in, that is not a big surprise as the soft light would help there and frankly, for a modern camera ISO 5600 is not pushing it too hard. The exposures look good and that is often the most important part of controlling sensor noise as it can show up when pushing an underexposed image up to get a usable image.
    The flat lighting certainly helps and makes it easy to achieve constantly good exposures using Auto ISO with the occasional tweak of EC depending upon direction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    I used to shoot the D800 at ISO 6400 without even thinking about it and this camera is two generations newer, so one would expect improved performance.
    Whilst I have a few sucessful very high ISO shots from the D800 I've generally maxed it around 1600 for all these events to reduce processing time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Looks like the focus tracking works well too.
    I had no concerns with it other than when you sit under a shelter and waters gushing off the corrugated sloping roof it will at times try and focus on that.

    One useful thing I have learnt from this session is my preferred speed to capture rain. Comparing these shots that were generally shot at 1/1600s with many previous others at 1/250s and 1/800s, 1/800s is the best compromise.

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