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Thread: Into the woods

  1. #21

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    Re: Into the woods

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    I think what you are running into Arnold is human nature; if someone is interested in "Likes" about their image, I suggest they post in social media. When I post here, I am looking for other's opinions on what works and does not work with the piece I have posted. That doesn't mean I have to agree (or disagree) with the posting, but it gives me something else to think about.

    My experience with photo clubs, in the past, was not good and I found them inward looking and centered around cliques within the club. I avoided them for the better part of 40 years after those experiences. I was lucky enough to have found a couple of fairly professional clubs where members were willing to teach and help newcomers to the club. My photography has gotten a lot stronger since I became involved in them.

    It's more about how something is said, rather than what is said. Critiques should help the photographer learn and not go away feeling put down. The problem, especially in the internet age is that being polite and helpful has gone by the wayside. There is also a problem with people that are used to getting "Likes" on social media who feel that they are wonderful photographers and anything other than praise is taken as a personal insult. Frankly, a positive comment from a highly respected photographer has more meaning to me than a 100 likes from people who have limited knowledge of the subject.
    You are absolutely right Manfred, what I experienced at that photo club felt like a kind of envy while I was very aware and still am trying to improve myself. What you say, if you want to go for likes you have to post your photo on social media, I didn't get any feedback, only negative comments from that photo club.

    That said, I tried to remove or at least reduce the CA in Lightroom, unfortunately that didn't work.

  2. #22
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Into the woods

    Thanks for the compliments folks, much appreciated.

    I have edited my first post above to clarify that I had meant using the ACR part of PS for this correction, but I know not everyone is willing to go the rental route with PS (or LR), hence the way I phrased that sentence.

    Moving on
    I have no proof of this, but my gut feeling was that a year or two back, the CA fixing feature in ACR became largely/completely 'disconnected' from the Lens Profile. I find it works on captures without a lens profile, albeit it may need some adjustment of the ancillary sliders to get the best results - i.e. to not affect colour edges it should not be desaturating. (Gotta look at 100% or 1:1 pixels to see this)

    My understanding is that current LR should have the same functionality and adjustments as current PS, therefore it is possible that if the LightRoom in use is a legacy purchased one, it may be less capable.

    On Photographic Clubs, I'm still in the "put off by the early experience" phase, even 50 years later, plus, the last time I looked at joining any local ones (a few years ago), they all 'shut up shop' through the summer months (as too many members were away I guess), which didn't suit me at all.

    Thanks all,

  3. #23
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Into the woods

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    On Photographic Clubs, I'm still in the "put off by the early experience" phase, even 50 years later, plus, the last time I looked at joining any local ones (a few years ago), they all 'shut up shop' through the summer months (as too many members were away I guess), which didn't suit me at all.
    That is pretty typical in Canada as well. One of the photo clubs I belong to shuts down completely for July and August (they meet monthly), so the program is in effect 10 months per year.

    The other club I belong to switches from a weekly to a monthly format for June, July and August with simplified and reduced programing. At that club we have a number of "Snowbirds" who migrate down south (usually Florida, in the USA) for between 4 and 6 months between the middle of November and middle of April to escape the winter months. We are considering coming up with a membership plan that suits their schedule.

    Members will often work on their presentations or shoot images for competitions (we try to announce the topics for the following season in late May or early June). Our Urban, Nature and Faces & Figures groups do organize outdoor shoots over the summer months as well. The photo studio is used all summer as well.

    This does vary from club to club, but summer shutdowns are common as well.

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