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Thread: Four little bottles sitting in the window

  1. #1

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    Four little bottles sitting in the window

    We were having lunch when I spotted these four bottles. I just had to take a photo because I liked the composition. C&C most welcome

    Four little bottles sitting in the windowFour bottles sitting in the window by Ole Hansen, on Flickr

  2. #2
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Four little bottles sitting in the window

    It is very nice; only if you could bring a bit more space in between the hanging lamp and the top of the bottles; but you may not be able to do that due to space restrictions to adjust your position. Full window without those chairs also another impossibility, i am afraid(due to unavailability of a higher platform)
    Last edited by Wavelength; 5th November 2020 at 06:07 AM.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Four little bottles sitting in the window

    In addition, the composition is not squared up.

  4. #4
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Four little bottles sitting in the window

    I like it Ole. The colors of the bottles are awesome, as is the brick work on the building. Nice work.
    That being said, I think I would have framed it differently. Too much on the sides, and the top is cut off. I would have probably included the full window at least.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Re: Four little bottles sitting in the window

    I tend to be thinking along the same lines as Nandakumar and Sharon. Half chairs and half window, without either being a definite subject. So I wonder about cropping out the chairs (maybe a mix of crop and clone) to concentrate on the bottles and the stonework?

    Exposure and focus are good.

  6. #6
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Four little bottles sitting in the window

    I tend to agree with the others, but not having seen what's above the ceiling fixture, it's hard to know what this would have looked like if the window hadn't been cropped. If there wasn't much uninteresting material within the window above where you cut it, I probably would have framed it to include the entire window, or at least more of it, and left the chairs cut off as you have them.

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