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I've just come into this thread not having looked at it for a couple of days.
#1 - You've got to work at not feeling that you're somehow not up to the mark so far as your work is concerned. Sure, there is still some learning to do. But ................
#2 - This, I think, is your best image on CiC up to this point. It's maybe not technically perfect. But the mood and atmosphere are wonderful. There's a lot we could talk about in terms of the image - the effective size of the moon and birds in relation to the whole space etc. But, quite honestly, knowing the equipment you're working with at this stage of your development as a photographer, and given your level of experience, that is a very evocative and striking image. Well done.
All the technical stuff can be learned and that will come. What this shows is an ability to 'see' an image. That's far more important.