5th December 2020, 11:48 AM

Caminhavam juntos, mas separados pela criança que os unia. Nesses passos que lhes eram alheios, iam unidos, porque uníssonos, pisavam a macieza escaldante da areia, que compunha a irregularidade do chão, marcado por milhares de passos juntos no espaço mas dispersos no tempo. Tantos passos trocados, tanta alma perdida, tantos destinos cruzados
5th December 2020, 05:05 PM
Re: Destinos
Very nice words to accompany your image Fernando.
For those who don't know about G**gle Translate:-
"They walked together, but separated by the child who united them. In those steps that were alien to them, they went together, because in unison, they stepped on the scorching softness of the sand, which made up the irregularity of the floor, marked by thousands of steps together in space but dispersed in time. So many exchanged steps, so much lost soul, so many crossed destinations"
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