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Thread: Suggestions for software or platfornm to host photo contests for a club?

  1. #1

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    Suggestions for software or platform to host photo contests for a club?

    My photo club has monthly photos contests for our members.

    Currently we're using a software package called Photo contest Pro:

    It relatively cheap ($115 for the first year and $40/year for subsequent years) but the software is Windows only and the interface is dated looking. Does anyone of of any alternatives?

    Ideally, we would like to find something that is web based and can handle different types of contests. Meaning, sometimes there would be only one judge and at other times all members would vote for their favorite images (Similar to the mini competitions on this site).

    The images also need to be hidden until the judging begins and we need to be able to view each image in a ZOOM meeting for the judge to provide feedback.

    Hope that makes sense... appreciate any feedback. Thanks!
    Last edited by redforester; 6th December 2020 at 03:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Suggestions for software or platform to host photo contests for a club?

    The most popular judging application in Canada is EntryWizard, which is a WordPress plugin. Most modern judging applications are web browser based and are transportable between Windows and Macs. This does mean you do need a WordPress back end to operate the software with, but a lot of photography clubs use a WordPress based platform for their own websites, so it is a natural fit for many clubs.

    I'm a national level (CAPA) judge and have seen everything from having to download images from a shared folder (Google Drive, DropBox) and an accompanying form (usually an Excel spreadsheet) to custom built web-based judging tools. CAPA uses EntryWizard for national competitions.

  3. #3

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    Re: Suggestions for software or platform to host photo contests for a club?

    The photo club I attend recently redid the website. We are using “Photo Pursuits”. All entries for club competitions, judging, etc
    goes through this. So far it seems to be meeting or needs.

  4. #4

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    Re: Suggestions for software or platform to host photo contests for a club?

    Manfred and Rita,

    Thanks for responding. Unfortunately, our website is built with Squarespace not WordPress and Photo Pursuits looks like a Windows only solution also.

  5. #5
    Wandjina's Avatar
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    Re: Suggestions for software or platform to host photo contests for a club?

    I know I am a little late with this post. Quite a number of the Clubs in Australia use Photocomp.
    It seems to work well

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Suggestions for software or platform to host photo contests for a club?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wandjina View Post
    I know I am a little late with this post. Quite a number of the Clubs in Australia use Photocomp.
    It seems to work well
    Another Windows based solution that uses Bootcamp to run on a Mac, so not useful for Anthony's club.

    My club ran into exactly the same issue when we were looking at a solution as many members are Mac users.

  7. #7

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    Re: Suggestions for software or platform to host photo contests for a club?

    Quite a few UK clubs use PhotoEntry

    This is a web based service which also hosts images entered and so on. Available for one month trial
    Cost is based on a fee per member of the club.

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