Hi, This is my first photo. Give me comments or advices. I want to improve my skills.
Hi, This is my first photo. Give me comments or advices. I want to improve my skills.
Welcome Shuuun,
How the flower looks projected out of the frame is really interesting. The pipe in the back ground could have been avoided. Did you take this in color?
I would crop out some of the top which is causing a bit of distraction and that would help to reduce the pipe problem. Not too tight a crop though, you need a bit of space there. Maybe a fraction tight to the frame edge on the right side? Not a serious issue though.
Thanks Wavelength!
I will remove the pipe to crop it.
Unfortunately, I didn't take this in color
Thanks Geoff F.
I deleted Upper right zone
Is my understanding correct?
I agree Geoff, but when it comes to negative space, there is also a personal taste component. Most photographers would suggest he is quite extreme in the amount of negative space he uses in his compositions. His approach was quite common in some advertising photography some 20 years ago, as there was lots of space for text.
I have been accused of having too much in my work from time to time and my crops look super tight when compared to his work.
Thanks everyone.
I learned two things to improve my skills
1. negative space makes photo cool
2. Must delete bother items
thanks everyone so much![]()
I would word things just a little differently.
1. The use of space is an important element to consider in your image; there must be the right amount. Too much or too little have a negative impact on the image.
2, If there is something in the image that does not contribute to it, we should consider removing it.
If the space adds to the subject and overall composition go for it. Distractions in space make it difficult to process the capture,therefore has a negative effect.Would have liked your capture with more clear details on the edge of your subject.Nice work and great to see you.
1. Negative space only works if it is a deliberate element of your composition which works with the subject.
2. Better yet, check your background BEFORE you shoot so you don't include clutter/distracting elements. That is a much better than spending hours in a photo editor trying to remove them.
Good luck, Shuuun