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Thread: Tiger portrait - Ranthambore

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Auchtermuchty, Fife, Scotland
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    Ken Clacher

    Tiger portrait - Ranthambore

    This shot was taken when I visited India back in 2009, but due to lockdown I have plenty time to revisit and re-process images. This one will always be one of my favourites as it not only shows the tiger in all it's glory but shows it in the natural environment that they live. Hope you enjoy. Ken.

    Tiger portrait - Ranthambore

    Tiger in Habitat by Ken Clacher, on Flickr
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 5th March 2021 at 01:07 PM. Reason: image not displaying

  2. #2
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Tiger portrait - Ranthambore

    Classic!!! May trim a bit from left side to make it a bit off centre, if you don't mind(a bit from bottom too...)

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Tiger portrait - Ranthambore

    Excellent image, Ken. Definitely a shot you should be very proud of. The few shots I got of tigers during my trips to India were no where nearly as good as this one; a tiger lying on the ground is hardly exciting...

    I tend to agree with Nandakumar; the crop could be stronger. I also find that a bit of dodging and burning on the tiger would bring it out more; the shadows might be opened up a just a bit and the highlights (the face and chest) could be brought down a bit.

    I'm not a fan of logos that become a significant compositional element and in fact end up being a distraction that competes with the main subject.

    Leaving the crop and logo alone, this is the direction I might go with a few minutes of dodging and burning.

    Tiger portrait - Ranthambore

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Ken Clacher

    Re: Tiger portrait - Ranthambore

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Excellent image, Ken. Definitely a shot you should be very proud of. The few shots I got of tigers during my trips to India were no where nearly as good as this one; a tiger lying on the ground is hardly exciting...

    I tend to agree with Nandakumar; the crop could be stronger. I also find that a bit of dodging and burning on the tiger would bring it out more; the shadows might be opened up a just a bit and the highlights (the face and chest) could be brought down a bit.

    I'm not a fan of logos that become a significant compositional element and in fact end up being a distraction that competes with the main subject.

    Leaving the crop and logo alone, this is the direction I might go with a few minutes of dodging and burning.

    Tiger portrait - Ranthambore
    Having looked at the image again, I can definitely see that a slightly tighter crop would be of benefit. And the dodging and burning of the tiger really does make a difference. So I have done both to the image I store locally and I am pleased with the outcome.

    As to the signature on the image. I tend to put one on as I have had a number of images 'stolen' from forums and sites such as Flickr and passed on as the work of others. The signature wont stop this happening all the time, but I feel better about it when I post in sites.


  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Tiger portrait - Ranthambore

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Clacher View Post
    Having looked at the image again, I can definitely see that a slightly tighter crop would be of benefit. And the dodging and burning of the tiger really does make a difference. So I have done both to the image I store locally and I am pleased with the outcome.

    As to the signature on the image. I tend to put one on as I have had a number of images 'stolen' from forums and sites such as Flickr and passed on as the work of others. The signature wont stop this happening all the time, but I feel better about it when I post in sites.

    Ken, I suspect that all of us have had images stolen (I certainly have) and the only real defense against theft is, unfortunately, not posting at all. Signatures can be removed in seconds. The only realistic solution is to post low resolution images (I generally stick to no more than 2048 pixels on the long side). Yes, while these can be stolen, their market value is relatively low.

    The TinEye website (which I believe uses Flickr as one of its sources) can help identify stolen images and who they were stolen by.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Ken Clacher

    Re: Tiger portrait - Ranthambore

    Thanks for the info Manfred. I once had someone post a whole string of images on another forum I frequently post on, giving an in-depth description of his trip to India, where he had been and the sites he saw. I think he posted around 12 of my images that I had previously posted on the same site. Once I got in touch with him to say he had ‘stolen’ my images and trip by his very accurate description, his wife came on to defend him. I then sent images to her with all the exit data etc and promptly got a reply from her saying that her husband had a lot of explaining to do. I think I laughed for about a week

  7. #7

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    Re: Tiger portrait - Ranthambore

    Great capture and a great story to go with it.

  8. #8
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: Tiger portrait - Ranthambore

    Great capture!

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