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Thread: Pandemia

  1. #1
    kaskais's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
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    Fernando Cascais



    Veio a peste, e separou-lhe a cabeça do corpo. A cabeça ficou suspensa no tempo, e no espaço, com a imaginação delirante a flutuar sobre alguma ilha paradisíaca distante, ou, um passado mais ou menos nebuloso, enquanto o corpo, desapareceu em parte incerta, tomado por um terror mórbido e profundo, quando de repente, deu conta, que não era um recipiente completamente confiável. Descobriu assim, graças á peste, que há uma grande distância entre o eu interno e o externo, e, essa distância, devido ao medo, parece-lhe agora, assustadoramente intransponível.

  2. #2
    Urbanflyer's Avatar
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    Re: Pandemia

    from google translate: The plague came, and it separated its head from its body. The head was suspended in time, and in space, with the delirious imagination floating on some distant paradise island, or, a more or less cloudy past, while the body, disappeared in an uncertain part, taken by a morbid and profound terror, when suddenly, he realized, it was not a completely reliable container. Thus he discovered, thanks to the plague, that there is a great distance between the internal and the external self, and that distance, due to fear, now seems frighteningly insurmountable.

    Perhaps poetry is also your gift.

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