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Thread: Nostalgia

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Chile South America
    Real Name
    Javier Ramirez



  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Ottawa, Canada
    Real Name
    Manfred Mueller

    Re: Nostalgia

    Another nicely done image, Javier. A few small adjustments in the way that you composed this image and some of the things that might have occurred in post-processing would make this image even stronger. I feel that the dress strap off the right hand shoulder

    1. That line on the right hand side that is in shadow really draws the viewer's eye and is a significant distraction. Eliminating it would result in a stronger image.

    2. You have chosen a bit of an unusual camera angle. By shooting from low down, the photographer is generally trying to emphasize the areas closer to the camera; in this instance the tummy and bust. Is that what you are trying to do here?

    3. Normally when we crop joints, we do so above the joint. Here you are cropping below the camera right elbow and that area draws a lot of attention to itself.

    4. The lighting is not working all that well for me. You have a lot of noticeable shadows below chin on the camera right side and the lines on her neck that are caused the way she has turned her head also stand out. For portraits like this I generally carry a portable white reflector and have the model hold it in order to cut down on this issue.

    5. Some minor hot spots on the forehead, cheekbone and nose that could be burned down a touch.


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