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Thread: new photoshop upsizing

  1. #1
    DanK's Avatar
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    new photoshop upsizing

    Some of you may have seen that Adobe has just released a new feature in Adobe Camera Raw called "super resolution," which appears to be a better alternative to older uprezzing methods. There are a number of posts on the web about it, including I haven't tried it; I have photoshop and ACR updating in the background now.

    Oddly, it appears not to be in Lightroom Classic yet; there's no update for that today. As LR classic and ACR have always been identical processing engines, I assume that it will be in a later update, but we'll have to see.

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    Re: new photoshop upsizing

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Some of you may have seen that Adobe has just released a new feature in Adobe Camera Raw called "super resolution," which appears to be a better alternative to older uprezzing methods. There are a number of posts on the web about it, including I haven't tried it; I have photoshop and ACR updating in the background now.
    An interesting development although my eyes do glaze over as soon as I see "Learning", "Neural", "Deep", etc. I wonder how it compares with such as Topaz Gigapixel AI?

    Some eye-glazing material here:

    I once tried an original pre-AI method of taking a series of hand-held images and upsizing them then merging somehow. My results were poor and I soon gave up, too much effort and I don't normally up-size anyway.

    On the other hand, round-tripping does seem quite beneficial:
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 12th March 2021 at 04:07 PM.

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: new photoshop upsizing

    An interesting development although my eyes do glaze over as soon as I see "Learning", "Neural", "Deep", etc. I wonder how it compares with such as Topaz Gigapixel AI?
    I pay virtually no attention to the references to AI. I think it fundamentally misleads people because what's happening on the user's computer isn't AI. It's just applying an algorithm that was generated by machine learning. The only thing that interests me is whether it works better than the alternatives. I haven't had time to test this.

    Some of the AI-generated algorithms do represent a substantial improvement. My understanding was that AI was used to create some of the newer selection tools in photoshop, and some of them are quite remarkable. However, all I care about is whether they work. I don't care how the created the algorithms that my computer then applies by rote.

    I'll be interested to see reviews of this, as I doubt I'll have time to test it for the next couple of weeks.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: new photoshop upsizing

    I just spent some time working with the new Adobe resize function and compared the results with the most up to date version of Topaz Gigapixel AI.

    I started off with a 1618 x 1080 image and enlarged them both to 3268 x 2160. I used Adobe's normal resizing algorithm as a control. I cropped the images to full screen size when displayed at 100% magnification:

    Here are the results:

    1. Control Image - resized using existing Photoshop resize algorithm.

    new photoshop upsizing

    2. Topaz Gigapixel AI

    new photoshop upsizing

    3. New Adobe Camera Raw AI resizing algorithm

    new photoshop upsizing


    The new ACR resizing engine works best, in this case. It is an improvement over the built-in Photoshop resizing algorthims and totally blows the Topaz product out of the water. The Topaz product introduces noticeable artifacts.

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    Re: new photoshop upsizing


    thanks. Very clear. Once I have some time, I'm going to try this on an image that has some sharpness issues that someone wants me to print very large.


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    Re: new photoshop upsizing

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    I just spent some time working with the new Adobe resize function and compared the results with the most up to date version of Topaz Gigapixel AI.

    I started off with a 1618 x 1080 image and enlarged them both to 3268 x 2160. I used Adobe's normal resizing algorithm as a control. I cropped the images to full screen size when displayed at 100% magnification:

    Here are the results:

    1. Control Image - resized using existing Photoshop resize algorithm.

    new photoshop upsizing

    2. Topaz Gigapixel AI

    new photoshop upsizing

    3. New Adobe Camera Raw AI resizing algorithm

    new photoshop upsizing


    The new ACR resizing engine works best, in this case. It is an improvement over the built-in Photoshop resizing algorthims and totally blows the Topaz product out of the water. The Topaz product introduces noticeable artifacts.
    Thanks, Manfred,

    Were the halos in the control image caused by the Photoshop resizing algorithm and what algorithm was it?

    I fully agree about ACR AI vs Topaz. The color artifacts at 800% zoom in the Topaz rendering could easily induce nausea ...
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 12th March 2021 at 05:47 PM.

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: new photoshop upsizing

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    Were the halos in the control image caused by the Photoshop resizing algorithm and what algorithm was it?
    I don't know for sure as all three images were built from the same base image with no additional work. If there is a halo in the control image, the standard <Image> <Resize> is where this would have come from.

    Some of the testing I have been doing is printing all three versions (with some output sharpening) and there are no unexplained halos in the test prints (13" x 19" / A3+ size).

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    Re: new photoshop upsizing

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    I don't know for sure as all three images were built from the same base image with no additional work. If there is a halo in the control image, the standard <Image> <Resize> is where this would have come from.

    Some of the testing I have been doing is printing all three versions (with some output sharpening) and there are no unexplained halos in the test prints (13" x 19" / A3+ size).
    Thanks, that answers my question well enough.

  9. #9
    Abitconfused's Avatar
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    Re: new photoshop upsizing

    I got the same results Manfred. Totally blows me away. TOTALLY!

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