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Thread: Grand Lake, CO

  1. #1
    YossarianXXI's Avatar
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    Grand Lake, CO

    We got a small cabin in the Mountains to celebrate my wife & her sister's birthday (twins). Here's a few of the shots

    East Inlet Trail, Rocky Mountain NP

    Grand Lake, CODSC_0689 by Yossarian_XXI, on Flickr

    Baker Mtn, Mt Nimbus, Mt Cumulus & Howard Mtn, from the Southern Point of Shadow Mountain Lake

    Grand Lake, CODSC_0646 by Yossarian_XXI, on Flickr

    My Wife & her sister snowmobiling in wilderness area West of RMNP. (The trees are as they are because the area had a massive forest fire late last summer)

    Grand Lake, CODSC_0644 by Yossarian_XXI, on Flickr

  2. #2
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Grand Lake, CO

    Very nice images; the first one lacks a distinction between the snow ridge and the back ground snow; still good

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Grand Lake, CO

    The second is a good capture that has real potential, but IMHO, it needs editing. It has a distinct blue color cast (common when one uses AWB in snowy conditions), and the shadows need to be opened up. I did a very quick and dirty edit and got the image below. It's certainly not done; there is still a color cast in the ice that's hard to get rid of in a JPEG. However, it may be enough to show the direction I'm thinking of.

    Grand Lake, CO

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Grand Lake, CO

    +1 to many of Dan's comments.

    The second image definitely has the most potential, but the lighting is a bit problematic, The blue sky steals the show and the trees are too much in shade and the snow covered lake is too dark and has a colour cast (snow often picks up the colour of the sky when in shade and that ends up looking a bit strange.

    I'm also not sure if you need quite as much foreground and the sky is to prominent. I find that for this type of scene a panoramic crop; 16:9 or 2:1 are often more effective. Here is the result of my quick edit.

    Grand Lake, CO

  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Grand Lake, CO


    I didn't have time to fuss with the remaining color cast on the ice. Had to leave the house. I'm curious what you did. Your overall adjustment of WB is a bit less magenta than mine, as one can see from the clouds, but I doubt that small difference would clean up the ice. Did you desaturate the ice?


  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Grand Lake, CO

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post

    I didn't have time to fuss with the remaining color cast on the ice. Had to leave the house. I'm curious what you did. Your overall adjustment of WB is a bit less magenta than mine, as one can see from the clouds, but I doubt that small difference would clean up the ice. Did you desaturate the ice?

    Hi Dan - I did a quick & dirty global adjustment to take the blue (and cyan) colour cast down a bit, opened up the shadows (shadows slider in ACR) in the trees, took a bit more blue and cyan out of the sky area. For the frozen lake, I threw on an curves adjustment layer on the lake and brightened it up and dropped a color sampler on the lake. The numbers showed heavy blue and too much cyan (too little red). I took the blue channel down a bit on the right hand side (i.e. added yellow) and too the red channel up a bit on the left hand side (i.e. removed cyan) until all three values were about the same.

    All three adjustments on the curves layer can be seen here:

    Grand Lake, CO

  7. #7
    DanK's Avatar
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    Grand Lake, CO


    Thanks. Very helpful.

    One thing I found difficult is that the color of the ice varies on the horizontal, with more magenta on the left. There’s just a trace of that remaining in your edit. I started working on that with a mask and brush but didn’t make a lot of headway in the time I had.


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  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Grand Lake, CO

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post

    Thanks. Very helpful.

    One thing I found difficult is that the color of the ice varies on the horizontal, with more magenta on the left. There’s just a trace of that remaining in your edit. I started working on that with a mask and brush but didn’t make a lot of headway in the time I had.


    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    My WB on the ice is not perfect, but the values of the sample point are slightly biased to the red. The sample point that I used is actually (218, 216. 215). That is possibly what you are picking up. As I did this with a selection, it is possible that it wasn't perfect and a few pixels were missed here and there.

    I don't generally spend a lot of time fine tuning someone else's image that I am critiquing, especially when working on a low rez version.

  9. #9
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Grand Lake, CO

    Right. I agree--a low res JPEG is hard to work with, and in these cases, I just try to do enough to illustrate what I'm suggesting. I was curious, however, for the general case.

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