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Thread: Your first successful photo?

  1. #1
    wide2tele's Avatar
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    Your first successful photo?

    What is your first photo you deem to be successful and why?
    The reason you consider it to be successful can be any reason at all.

    Below is one I took not long after starting photography. A simple pattern and texture photo.

    It was the first photo I ever submitted to a competition. It came runner up in a camera magazine competition. It's the first photo I ever had published and it was the first photo displayed to the general public in any way.

    Here is the part that makes the story:

    After this photo was published, I was quite excited about it and thought I may head back to where it was taken. When I took the published photo, it was after heavy rain and the river flow was intense. The river would not normally be as it was that day.
    I thought I may take a photo or two with the river in a more normal state.

    When I arrived on location, I looked at the river bank I took the photo from. There was another photographer in the exact location I wanted to be.

    I decided I would let him finish up whatever he was doing and just wait it out till he left. I looked further along the bank and thought I may take a few pics from there while I wait.

    To get to the location, I had to walk past the photographer. As I walked past and above him on the bank, I saw he had the camera magazine and my photo sitting right next to him. He was attempting to duplicate my photo!

    It was quite a moment. I never spoke a word to him. I walked straight past.

    Your first successful photo?

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Your first successful photo?

    Congrats Mark,

    Interesting story too.


  3. #3

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    Re: Your first successful photo?

    Quote Originally Posted by wide2tele View Post
    What is your first photo you deem to be successful and why?...
    At 17:11:22 GMT on 2 August 1971 the Apollo 15 lunar module lifted off from the moon's surface. I was 13 years old and had just received my first camera, a Kodak Instamatic 233, it was loaded with Kodachrome film. The lift off of the lunar module was the first to be shown on TV. Our TV was a 405 line black and white set. Undaunted by the limitations of both camera and TV I pointed the camera at the screen and squeezed the shutter button and captured a shot of the lunar module a fraction of a second after it the top half had separated from the base.

    This is a crop from a scan of the slide. You have to use a lot of imagination to make out the two halves of the lunar module.
    Your first successful photo?001_14_4cic

  4. #4

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    Re: Your first successful photo?

    Not quite sure if this 'qualifies', but I was 8 in 1959, and I found a box of 'Gaslight' paper in a drawer. I was curious and asked my dad what it was. His response, (he was a teacher), was to suggest I got a negative from his photo abum, place it on top of a sheet of the paper (held down by a plate of glass), leave it on the window sill in the sunlight and leave it a few hours and then go back and look .

    This I duly did and was astonished to see a 'positive' image on the paper when I lifted the negative. I still remember thinking it was real magical! I quickly found out the image needed to be 'fixed' otherwise the paper turned totally black. My dad advanced me 3d (Three pence 'old'money) to go to a chemist and buy some hypo crystals to do this. I promptly exposed a second sheet and produced a 'permanent' print.
    I have been taking photographs ever since, but that first image I printed before I had my own camera, was on the wall in my bedroom until I left home to start University 10 years later! (I studied Chemistry and Bio-Chenistry )

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Your first successful photo?

    I'm not sure what a successful photo is. I have definitely never noticed anyone by a river trying to duplicate one of my shots out of a magazine.

    I would have to say one of my first successful shots was taken when I was around 7 or 8 years old with a Kodak Hawkeye Flashfun camera (early 1960s). The horizon line was level and the image was relatively well composed and no noticeable motion blur...

  6. #6
    YossarianXXI's Avatar
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    Re: Your first successful photo?

    Mine is probably buried in my mom's basement somewhere. I was 17 on a trip to France with my school and took a really terrific picture of the Chateau de Chambord in the Loire Valley. IT took me another 20+ years to pick up photography and really start learning about it, but that photo is always stuck in my mind of how a great picture can really "pop". IT's not digitized and I hope to find it some day.

  7. #7

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    Re: Your first successful photo?

    My first successful image was taken two years ago when I took up photography. I took a photo of something I saw that I would not have photographed or even noticed before.

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    Re: Your first successful photo?

    I don't tend to view my photos as successful or unsuccessful as such. Rather, I find myself bothered by particular shortcomings in my approach and feel the need to work on improving that. What I focus on varies over time, and sometimes I find myself satisfied that I have made gains on some aspect of the craft. For example, I have been shooting birds for the last few years and find myself unhappy with my tendency to either have a bird sitting on a branch or flying through an open sky -- my shots are just plain boring. I have also been interested in developing a better set of skills in post processing for drawing the viewer's attention to the places that I want them to see. Last week, I was at a mostly uneventful birding festival in Bar Harbor, Maine and was able to create a photo that felt like progress to me. I don't know how I'll feel about it in a month or a year, but it is satisfying to me today:

    Recent photo example

    (Sorry, my attempts to upload the image failed. The link will take you there if you wish.)
    Last edited by tclune; 7th June 2021 at 03:40 PM. Reason: Image display problem

  9. #9
    AlwaysOnAuto's Avatar
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    Re: Your first successful photo?

    I would have to say my first successful photo was one I took of my son when he was about 2-1/2 or 3 years old. We were visiting my mom and I snapped a picture of him out on her patio. I'd just bought a Minolta SR-T 101, used, for $30 off a fellow at work who'd moved on to a better/newer camera. I had explained to mom that the camera probably needed a CLA, which I was saving up for. When she saw the picture a few weeks later, she asked which camera I'd used as I had a fairly new Nikon FE as well as the Minolta. I told her the SR-T was what I'd used. At that point she said if I could take pictures like that with that camera, she'd gladly pay for the CLA. She really liked the picture as I some how had taken a great portrait of him. I sent the camera off to Minolta for a going over and still have it to this day. I use the 58mm lens on my Sony's. I probably have the picture some where, but finding it would be another story. I like to think that photo had a lot to do with me ending up with my grandmother's M3 rather than it going to one of my siblings.

  10. #10
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Your first successful photo?

    What's successful? Successfully giving me pleasure? Other people enjoying it? Other people hanging it on their walls? Winning or placing in a local competition? Getting an image into a juried exhibit? Getting prints into galleries?

    What I've found is that on several of these dimensions, my standards for what's a success keep going up. Some images that I considered very successful a dozen years ago I consider quite mediocre now. I'm not sure that's entirely a good thing...

  11. #11

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    Re: Your first successful photo?

    Quote Originally Posted by wide2tele View Post
    What is your first photo you deem to be successful and why?
    In 1958, I was an Aircraft Apprentice at R.A.F. Halton in England. I had borrowed a camera and was wandering around the outside of our three-storey barrack block and noticed the black-painted sewage pipes running vertically up the back wall. Took a shot looking straight up with no knowledge of photography whatsoever. It turned out OK and the camera owner liked it, too.

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