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Thread: Tamron's new bazooka lens for Sony

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Tamron's new bazooka lens for Sony

    Tamron has just released a 150-500mm f/5-6.7 lens for the Sony E-mount...

    IMO, this would directly compete with the Sony 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 lens. Although it is 100mm shorter on the long side, it is 50mm wider on the short side. It is about a half pound (215 G) lighter in weight (but, it is still a heavyweight) and uses a smaller filter (82mm vs 95mm but, 82mm but, is still a large filter size). It is also slightly slower at the long side. It includes a tripod collar that is grooved for Arca Compatible clamp. That is something that Canon, Sony and other manufacturers should emulate. Most importantly for many photographers is that the Tamron is six hundred U.S. Dollars less expensive than the Sony 200-600mm lens...

    Will I buy one,? Highly unlikely - I have the far lighter Sony 70-350mm and would rent the 200-600mm if I absolutely needed a longer glass. But, if I were in the market for the Sony 200-600mm lens, I would seriously consider this Tamron! The six hundred dollar saving would certainly be a factor in m decision making process...

    It is encouraging to see new products from Tamron and Sigma (as well as Samyang and others) for the Sony E-mount! Tamron also introduced a 11-20mm f/2.8 lens for Sony APSC cameras...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 24th April 2021 at 02:28 PM.

  2. #2

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    Re: Tamron's new bazooka lens for Sony

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Tamron has just released a 150-500mm f/5-6.7 lens for the Sony E-mount...

    This would compete with the Sony 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 lens. Although it is 100mm shorter on the long side, it is 50mm wider on the short side. It is about a half pound (215 G) lighter in weight (but, it is still a heavyweight) and uses a smaller filter (82mm vs 95mm). It is also slightly slower at the long side. Most importantly for many photographers is that the Tamron is six hundred U.S. Dollars less expensive...

    Will I buy one,? Highly unlikely - I have the far lighter Sony 70-350mm and would rent the 200-600mm if I absolutely needed a longer glass. But, if I were in the market for the Sony 200-600mm lens, I would seriously consider this Tamron!

    It is encouraging to see new products from Tamron and Sigma (as well as Samyang and others) for the Sony E-mount! Tamron also introduced a 11-20mm f/2.8 lens for Sony ASC cameras...
    Too heavy for me...

    Now I just want a T/S lens.

  3. #3

    Re: Tamron's new bazooka lens for Sony

    Hello there hoping all is well. Well i have a problems the reason i am here. I have a tamron70-200mm i use it with viltrox adaptor ef-fx2 . Surprisingly is that when i take photos at 200mm it gives me 148mm to all of my images at that there a setting im missing?

  4. #4
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Tamron's new bazooka lens for Sony

    Quote Originally Posted by longlivesalim View Post
    Hello there hoping all is well. Well i have a problems the reason i am here. I have a tamron70-200mm i use it with viltrox adaptor ef-fx2 . Surprisingly is that when i take photos at 200mm it gives me 148mm to all of my images at that there a setting im missing?
    Isn't that the point of a viltrox "speedbooster" ? It reduces focal length and increases the speed of the lens.

  5. #5

    Re: Tamron's new bazooka lens for Sony

    Thanks Peter, i bookmarked your flicker page since i don't own an account. And thanks for the info which i once did not know.
    I thought it does one thing only (increase speed).


  6. #6
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Tamron's new bazooka lens for Sony

    This is just the flip side of why a telextender, which people buy to make the a lens longer, also makes it slower.

    The speed of a lens is indexed by the f-stop, which is the focal length divided by the aperture. A telextender makes the focal length longer, and therefore, it makes the f-stop larger (slower). A speed booster makes the focal length shorter, hence the f-stop smaller (faster).

    Bottom line: there is no free lunch. making a lens faster requires making it effectively shorter.

  7. #7
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Tamron's new bazooka lens for Sony

    I have never used one of these speedboosters, but I guess they could be useful if you wanted to use a FF lens on an aps-c body, and get the original intended field of view ?

  8. #8

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    Re: Tamron's new bazooka lens for Sony

    I have the Sigma 150-600 Sport lens (Canon mount), but it still isn't big enough! Now I want 800 mm. And if I got one of those I would want 1,000 mm. Always wanting more.

    I certainly wouldn't go back to 500 mm. But it all depends on the reasons for having a long lens. There are always drawbacks to every lens and besides the weight my 150-600 has a rather shallow focus depth at 600 mm. Acceptable for birds and similar subjects but sometimes it would be nice to include more foreground/background.

    To counter the weight issue, I use a ball head tripod mounting with the tension set lightly which enables me to swing the lens around almost like hand holding but without any weight discomfort. But make sure you tighten the tension control before letting go of the lens!

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