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Thread: Thwarted at Every Turn ...

  1. #1

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    Thwarted at Every Turn ...

    ... was trying to use Adobe's oh-so-easy-to-use DNG Profile Editor to determine the color accuracy for my Lumix DC-G9 camera.

    I fired up my old raw-to-DNG converter - only to see that it won't recognize Panasonic's .RW2 files, one of the most common raw formats on the planet ... grump.

    I downloaded the latest converter - all 1/2 GB of it. That should surely work, eh?


    Apparently the latest version won't work on 64-bit Windows 7 Pro ... double grump.

    No, I won't download Win 10, thank you, unless I really, really, have to for other reasons.

    Since my purpose is to compare Bayer color with Foveon color in a very general way, while realizing that Sigma camera models' color changes with the direction of the wind, I guess I'll try a DMC-LX1 .RAW file with the old converter.

    Pardon the rant and the anti-Adobe sarc!

    Later ...
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 2nd May 2021 at 05:24 PM. Reason: deleted "pry the mouse" etc

  2. #2

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    Re: Thwarted at Every Turn ...

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    Since my purpose is to compare Bayer color with Foveon color in a very general way, while realizing that Sigma camera models' color changes with the direction of the wind, I guess I'll try a DMC-LX1 .RAW file with the old converter.
    Just for the record, my old converter did convert the LX1 .RAW file to a DNG.

    Thwarted at Every Turn ...

    Real World eyes should be glazing over by now ...

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Thwarted at Every Turn ...

    Very little sympathy from me Ted. You are complaining about lack of support on a 12 year old operating system (Windows 7) that MS no longer supports. I can't run the most recent versions from a number of software vendors (including Adobe) on my Windows 8.1 laptop.

    My 6 year old Windows 10 desktop needs upgrading as more recent video editing / rendering software is quite sluggish on it. I'm going to have to decide whether my desktop or laptop gets replaced or upgraded first.

    Unfortunately, such is life and developers use modern machines and assume that people are running on similar gear....

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    Re: Thwarted at Every Turn ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Very little sympathy from me Ted. You are complaining about lack of support on a 12 year old operating system (Windows 7) that MS no longer supports.
    Yes, I am hoist by my own petard.

    When it came time for a more modern computer, I quite deliberately bought one with Win 7, having read many complaints about Win 10 at the time and I especially did not like Microsoft automatically upgrading people by some sort of trickery.

    So, I'll be on Win 7 with all that that implies - until they pry the mouse from my cold, dead fingers.

  5. #5
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Thwarted at Every Turn ...

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post

    When it came time for a more modern computer, I quite deliberately bought one with Win 7, having read many complaints about Win 10 at the time and I especially did not like Microsoft automatically upgrading people by some sort of trickery.
    Ted, don't believe the conspiracy theorists. MS do not automatically upgrade anybody. There was a period when you could upgrade for free, but that ship has sailed.

    I loved Win 7 but Win10 is just as easy to use. It is a current supported OS, you dont need to patch software to make it work.

  6. #6

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    Re: Thwarted at Every Turn ...

    Originally Posted by xpatUSA Thwarted at Every Turn ...
    ... and I especially did not like Microsoft automatically upgrading people by some sort of trickery.
    Ted, don't believe the conspiracy theorists. MS does not automatically upgrade anybody.
    Probably doesn't do that now, Peter ... but back then (before support for 7 was dropped) _ I was put off by posts like these over on microsoft:

    "How to stop Windows 7's Windows Update from Upgrading to Windows 10?
    I had uninstalled and hid KB3035583. Windows Update still continues to redownload Windows 10 Home in the background"

    "Update Windows 7 WITHOUT installing Windows 10
    When I delve into the Windows update options and choose 47 updates to my Windows 7 OS and click on OK, all I then get is the Upgrade to Windows 10 in the main dialog box and NOT the 47 updates to my current OS. So, how do I get my Windows 7 updates installed and NOT get Windows 10??? "

    I loved Win 7 but Win10 is just as easy to use. It is a current supported OS, you don't need to patch software to make it work.
    I just solved today's particular problem by removing the last vestiges of Adobe stuff from my machine, the DNG-related and also the long-disused Elements 6 and ACR 5.4.
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 1st May 2021 at 06:58 PM.

  7. #7
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Thwarted at Every Turn ...

    Yes I remember the concern about KB3035583 at the time. That update was on my computer too. It would ask once every few months if I wanted to upgrade to Win 10 and every time I selected no.

    I got Win10 later as a clean install on a new computer.

  8. #8
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Thwarted at Every Turn ...

    Those prompts pushing people to upgrade were very annoying, but it was a one-time thing (albeit one that went on for a long time). I haven't encountered anything else similar, even though our university skipped Vista before Windows 7 and Windows 8 and 8.1 before 10.

    I used Windows 7 for years and liked it, but IMHO, 10 is a very good operating system: stable, somewhat customizable, and with some features that 7 didn't have. My only complaint is that the "File Explorer" is a toy. I've added a decent file manager to every version of Windows I've used for years. Currently, I use Directory Opus, which adds a "commander" view (two directories side by side) with a tree next to those, a good sync function, two sophisticated search functions, and a competent file viewer, among other things. With a good file manager added, I find I can work quickly and with very few problems in Windows 10. But for me, the nail in the coffin, if I hadn't already switched, would have been the end of security updates for Windows 7 almost a year and a half ago.

  9. #9
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Thwarted at Every Turn ...

    + 1 for Directory Opus, it's the first application I install on a new machine. I also love the way that you can flatten a directory structure with one click, and then filter the results.

  10. #10

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    Re: Thwarted at Every Turn ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Very little sympathy from me Ted.
    None needed or expected, thank you Manfred. I was just bitchin' ...

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