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Thread: Sony Rumor Mill Announces New Camera

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Sony Rumor Mill Announces New Camera

    Surprisingly, the Sony Rumor Mill has stated that Sony is planning to release a new APSC camera. Several sources indicate that this camera will have greater resolution and better autofocus than the present APSC format cameras.

    The new camera is being touted as a "Baby A1" or a "Mini A9"... However. I remember before the A6600 was introduced, Sony Rumors touted that as a "Mini A9" I am quite satisfied with my present cameras but, the new camera might just be interesting, if it has the capabilities that the Rumor Mill indicates

    It is APSC but, actually, for the majority of my uses, APSC format is just fine...

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Sony Rumor Mill Announces New Camera

    I ignore rumours. Until the manufacturer actually announces a new product, there is a pretty good chance that the design has been finalized and it might even be in production. Anything prior is 100% useless speculation.

    I remember that a number of years ago, a well known camera manufacturer announced an new lens, including price and when it would be available in stores. The date came and went and nothing. Some considerable time later, the product was quietly discontinued. If I remember correctly, the manufacturer had done everything right and had the supply chain as well as manufacturing lined up, but one of the key materials going into the lens was not available in the quality / quantity that was required to launch the product. Nicely said, they couldn't get the product out the door.

    Wake me up when the manufacturer, rather than the rumour mills, announces the new product.

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Sony Rumor Mill Announces New Camera

    Many of the rumors about Canon cameras from the best sources have been reasonably accurate. For example, if I remeber correctly--I don't follow these things closely--both the R5 and R6 were reasonably accurately predicted before Canon announced them. I have no idea about the rumors pertaining to other brands.

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    Re: Sony Rumor Mill Announces New Camera

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    I ignore rumours. Until the manufacturer actually announces a new product, there is a pretty good chance that the design has been finalized and it might even be in production.
    Doesn't read as you intended, Manfred. I'd replace "Until" by "Only when" ...

  5. #5

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    Re: Sony Rumor Mill Announces New Camera

    I thought long and hard about buying the a6600 as my backup camera. But then when I looked at their APS-C lens lineup, I realized that Sony is not really serious about its development. They released their last prime lens back in 2013!

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Sony Rumor Mill Announces New Camera

    Quote Originally Posted by lunaticitizen View Post
    I thought long and hard about buying the a6600 as my backup camera. But then when I looked at their APS-C lens lineup, I realized that Sony is not really serious about its development. They released their last prime lens back in 2013!
    I only own 2-Sony lenses for my APSC A6600 and Full-frame A7iii cameras: First: Sony 85mm f/1.8 which is a superb portrait lens for both full-frame and crop cameras and Second: the Sony 70-350mm which is a really neat small form-factor lens with a great reach and superb AF and IQ. My main go-to lens for both cameras is the Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8.

    I was never greatly impressed with Sony's lens selections but, Tamron, Sigma, Samyang and others are introducing both zooms and prime lenses for the Sony E-mount... Many of these lenses are better choices for Sony E-mount cameras than Sony OEM glass. A great example is the Tamron 70-180mm f/2.8 which is less expensive and a lot lighter than the Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 G-Master. Tamron has also just released a 150-500mm E-mount lens which should be great for wildlife.

    However, if I were looking for prime lenses for the Sony APSC cameras, I would look no further than the Sigma trio of f/1.4 lenses: 16mm, 30mm and 56mm...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 7th May 2021 at 04:16 PM.

  7. #7

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    Re: Sony Rumor Mill Announces New Camera


    Now that I got another camera, I use my first camera with a 28-60 mm lens always attached on it.

    My wife handled it once and unfortunately took an immediate liking to the combo because they're very lightweight. The lens itself is only 5.9 oz (167 grams)! She said, "Give this camera to me; you can buy another one with your pocket money".

    I told her long ago that the FF camera cost just a bit more than her old Canon G7 X. I'm so screwed

  8. #8
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Sony Rumor Mill Announces New Camera

    My wife and daughter are planning a river cruise in Portugal probably early 2022 (depending on the COVID status). I opted out because I have an aversion to cruises.

    I thought that instead of using her cell phone or her Canon bridge camera to document the trip, she might like to take my Sony A6600, so I purchased a really inexpensive (about $90 USD) and really lightweight Sony 16-50mm OSS kit lens to make a convenient setup...

    However, she stated that she prefers to use the bridge camera...

    I have been playing with the kit lens on the A6600 in movie mode. The combination of lens OSS and the IBIS of the A6600 when I am shooting with a wide focal length, is quite awesome. It "almost" looks like I was shooting using a stabilized gimbal. I just might keep this lens to shoot videos of my rescue dogs...

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