I have recently updated my Photoshop and find that the simple Save As command can't be used for 'normal' jpeg savings; although Jpeg 2000 is possible.
My usual photo saving format is PSD so that is still OK but I sometimes want to use jpeg for other work or images which I am sharing/donating for printing work with a 300 ppi setting. So much software still won't accept Jpeg 2000.
I have tried Export As, etc, but that seems to set an automatic resolution of 72 ppi. Acceptable for internet stuff but not where other options are required. Save for Web is an alternative for internet use but that puts dashes between all words so I then have to change them into spaces after uploading.
72 ppi might be acceptable for other uses if I make sure the pixel numbers are correct for later resizing but that is a lot of extra bother.
So far, I haven't done much experimentation with options. I just wondered what other people are doing.
Not doing well with technology lately. I was using Open Office for spreadsheets of my insect records. That software allowed me to save as Windows Excel xls format and send to various recording schemes which could then simply copy and paste into their data.
Another update problem has resulted. The new update has proved to be unstable and kept crashing when I tried to do a save of new or extra data additions. For example, daily input into a monthly list.
Then my anti virus thought Open Office was ransomware and blocked the programme. So I uninstalled Open Office and tried to get a new download. But that won't work because I get a stop with a message about needing verification that I am an appropriate user and I can't find a way around the problem.
If I was using Open Office spreadsheets for professional work I suppose I could pay over £100 for Excel but I don't want to do that for unpaid voluntary work.
I do have an earlier version of Open Office on this older internet use computer so I might try doing my spreadsheets on this machine instead.
Maybe it is because I am from a pre digital age; but I have had enough of latest improvements and want to return to simpler options.![]()