I hope all the members here are keeping well.
After a long time, I got a chance to travel out of the city to visit the coastlines. Here is one image from the collection about which I would welcome your insights.
I have not replaced the sky. I applied a graduated filter to bring out the sky and changed the white balance from 'Auto' to a little warmer.
Please let me know your thoughts on the following:
1. Overall critique of the image.
2. I have made a B&W version too. Please comment on that too.
3. I was wondering whether it is possible to paint certain parts of the image a little warmer/cooler (for example, making the sun rays coming out of the cloud a little warmer- not applicable for this image). If yes, please point me some good tutorials.
I would also like to thank the members here for helping me to choose the Nikkor 10-20mm which has opened up a new horizon for me in terms of composition. This photo is also taken with the same lens.
Thank you all in advance.