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Thread: Festival Urbaka in Limoges

  1. #1
    Chataignier's Avatar
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    Festival Urbaka in Limoges

    Every year Limoges hosts the festival of street theatre "Urbaka". I photographed these dancers late on Thursday evening in the square in front of the cathedral. Dreadfully difficult conditions - I was at a distance, needing 100-150mm tele to get a reasonably filled frame but in very poor light. Even wide open at f4 and ISO 3200 I was only getting 1/100s and this for fast moving dance. Still - I like a challenge !
    Great dancers ! More than 30mins of a non-stop fast moving jazz/ballet/modern mix. Company called Uppercut.

    Festival Urbaka in Limoges

    Festival Urbaka in Limoges

    Festival Urbaka in Limoges

    Festival Urbaka in Limoges

    Festival Urbaka in Limoges
    Missed the focus a bit on this one, but I liked the postures

    I followed the dancers after the performance and persuaded them to pose in the doorway of the cathedral :
    Festival Urbaka in Limoges

    Festival Urbaka in Limoges
    Last edited by Chataignier; 3rd July 2021 at 01:21 PM.

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