I set out yesterday with a single challenge... to photograh an Emperor Dragonfly. They are not particularly scarce, but they are always on the wing and the warmer it is the faster they fly,(or so it seems).
I had no expectation of an in-flight image but I was hoping for a 'resting' capture. All in all I was out for 4 hrs at the side of the lake. About 3 hrs in, I got the chance of a male perching on a reed. All lined up..... and a couple walked right through my shot, and I lost the chance!!
An hour later I was just starting to pack-up when another male settled about 25ft away. I managed a sequence of 11 images and as I turned back to my camera bag, there were four walkers patiently waiting for me to finish my shot......
Emperor Dragonfly-male (Anax imperator)
Four-spotted Chaser male (Libellula quadrimaculata)
White Water-llily ((Nymphaea alba)
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
I have photographed Water-lilly before but often the image has been rather washed-out because of general glare on the water. This time round I was able to get very low (on my belly) and into a position with mostly backlight on the flowers.
C&C welcome