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Thread: Capture One

  1. #1
    Abitconfused's Avatar
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    E. James

    Capture One

    I just reviewed a download of Capture One and I am soundly impressed. The Raw democratizing seems significantly more detailed than other post-production programs I use... all of them I think. Is this due to a more sophisticated Raw interpreter or a clever rouse?

  2. #2

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    Re: Capture One

    Quote Originally Posted by Abitconfused View Post
    I just reviewed a download of Capture One and I am soundly impressed. The Raw democratizing seems significantly more detailed than other post-production programs I use... all of them I think. Is this due to a more sophisticated Raw interpreter or a clever ruse?
    Ed, I'm not sure what was meant by "democratizing" but raw data is generally quite soft compared to what comes out of the converter. Sigma's 'Photo Pro' in particular is infamous for applying excessive sharpening at the default "zero" setting. A lot of folks actually prefer to use negative sharpening, it's that bad.

    I've never used other converters other than Adobe Camera Raw V4.5 long ago and it too applies sharpening at default but at least it shows a positive number in the review window.

    I'll vote for a ruse and not a clever one at that.

    I prefer to see what the sensor captured and make up my own mind as to what to do with it ...

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Capture One

    I do use Capture One, but find it has one real major advantage over the Adobe products. It is by far the best tethering tool out there. The name should be a clue here, as it started off life as a tethered shooting application for high end Phase One cameras.

    In terms of functionality, it allows more sophisticated edits than the Adobe as it supports layers and other slightly more sophisticated tools. For my own personal workflow, it has some downsides; it does not support the L*a*b* colour space natively nor does it natively support Smart Object functionality. Some of the settings are a bit more sophisticated than Adobe products, but if one doesn't use them that makes little difference.

  4. #4
    Abitconfused's Avatar
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    Re: Capture One

    Demosaicing... I am a victim of spell check or clumsy fingers. Anyway, the fine detail In Capture One's Raw file seems quite amazing but not too sharp. I can see how a lack of Lab would be an issue. Additionally the working color space seems to be a mystery. Nevertheless, some of the tools function quite well. I did see Raw color detail in Capture One that is missing from another app I use and it seems not to be saturation driven.

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