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Thread: Wacom Intuos Pro - Not working properly under Windows 11 Beta

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Land of the Rising Sun
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    Leo Bhaskara

    Wacom Intuos Pro - Not working properly under Windows 11 Beta

    This is not related to the NIK software; after I upgraded my PC to Windows 11 my Wacom Intuos Pro S stopped working when I use Bluetooth connection. Using the supplied cable the stylus worked but the buttons didn't. I use this tablet mainly for Microsoft Whiteboard.

    So, don't upgrade to Windows 11 yet if you use the same Wacom tablet as I do

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Wacom Intuos Pro - Not working properly under Windows 11 Beta

    Leo - your experience is hardly surprising as the Windows 11 releases are pre-release Beta versions meant for testing. This is the time that companies like Wacom use to update their drivers to ensure that their products function properly when the software is released to the market, tentatively in the (late?) fall.

    PS - I have moved it into its own, new thread for clarity, as this has nothing to do with DxO's latest release of the Nik Collection.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Leo Bhaskara

    Re: Wacom Intuos Pro - Not working properly under Windows 11 Beta

    Thanks, Manfred. I'm a Microsoft's community tester so I test a lot of their alpha products. Some of their API libraries have been deprecated and changed, so I think it's what is causing problem with Wacom. I wasn't sure if it was needed but I've reported this to Wacom, too.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Wacom Intuos Pro - Not working properly under Windows 11 Beta

    That all makes sense, Leo. Software users have no idea of the work that the alpha and beta testers do before the system is ready for general use. While we all complain about bugs, you see them and report on them so that the rest of us don't.

  5. #5
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Wacom Intuos Pro - Not working properly under Windows 11 Beta

    My comment is a bit off topic but I was horrified to see that there will be yet another version of Windows.

    My recollection from a few years was that W10 would be the last brand new version -- and would simply be updated and incrementally modified as the years went by. Something has clearly changed, either in my memory or at Microsoft.

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