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Thread: Sharing Photos

  1. #1
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Sharing Photos


    I don't do much sharing of photos. I have Adobe Portfolio but that doesn't offer an easy download facility.

    I have offered to take some photos at a local (informal) event to celebrate a retirement.

    So, I'm looking for a (free!) service that I can run from my desktop to make photos freely available. I've looked at Instagram, but it seems that is designed to be driven from a mobile device, which wouldn't work for me. (I used to have a SmugMug account, but it had so little use I cancelled it.)

    Any ideas appreciated. Thanks, Dave

  2. #2
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Sharing Photos

    What about a fee flickr account Dave?

  3. #3
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Sharing Photos

    Thanks, Bill, looks a good bet. I am shamefully ignorant of "social media"

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Sharing Photos

    There are many photo hosting sites available. Some are free while others make a small charge.

    But be aware that many of the free sites will bombard you with adverts and sell on your details.

    I use P base which is simple to operate; so it even makes sense to me.

    They have a free trial account and a full service which costs around £15 per year but that is totally secure and advert free.

    For example. This is my P base site.

  5. #5

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    Re: Sharing Photos

    Another thought, Dave. Does your e mail account offer photo hosting options?

    Mine allows me to upload a rather large number of images (over 100 at normal internet sizes) and then I can send a download code to selected people so they can download the whole batch.

    When I was recently scanning old negatives for my local history society that proved to be the simplest option to share with a restricted number of people. Then, after everybody had downloaded the images I could simply delete them.

  6. #6
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Sharing Photos

    Thanks, Geoff, that'scertainly another option to look at. I can afford the £15 if necessary! Simple is good

    My regular email account doesn't offer photo hosting, as far as I know, but I can check. It works off my own domain name, so I could get into web site development, but I need something quick and simple!

  7. #7
    wobert's Avatar
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    Re: Sharing Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post

    I don't do much sharing of photos. I have Adobe Portfolio but that doesn't offer an easy download facility.

    I have offered to take some photos at a local (informal) event to celebrate a retirement.

    So, I'm looking for a (free!) service that I can run from my desktop

    Any ideas appreciated. Thanks, Dave
    Dave, You must have a Creative Cloud account to be able to use Adobe Portfolio, so if you use Lightroom-Classic, or Lightroom (-Desktop), you have everything you need to share your photos.
    A Collection synced from Lr-Classic or an Album created in Lightroom, then from your Lightroom-Web {} in a browser you can easily share the Album with anyone by providing a link to whom-ever. A 'paint palette' icon in the Web page allows you to give your share some basic design appearance (similar to Portfolio). And an option allows downloads.
    My example-
    A shared Album that allows downloads will download an entire Album of photo JPGs in a ZIP file, or if one image is being viewed- it will download the single file as JPG.
    And it's free with Creative Cloud subscriptions.

  8. #8
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Sharing Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    ... I am shamefully ignorant of "social media"
    Although not entirely ignorant of it, I do avoid social media like the plague. On the other hand, flickr is a photography site - a sort of pared-down Smugmug. I use it to share photos with family and friends and for admininstration of some of the competitions in my local camera club. I upload all images with viewing set either as "Family and Friends" for the first of these or as "Private" for the club images. Sharing is mostly administed using Albums; sending a link to an album allows the recipients to access the content even if it has been set as "Private".

    Additional benefits are that all my (main) personal family and competition shots are on flickr and it provides a back up to my backups, an easy sort-by-date image location, and in the case of family shots, we can share images of our grandchildren (and our grand-nices and cousins) without fear of imappropriate use.
    Last edited by billtils; 19th July 2021 at 09:18 AM.

  9. #9
    New Member Emily Watson's Avatar
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    Re: Sharing Photos

    How about Behance & Carbonmade?

  10. #10
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Sharing Photos

    Thanks for your suggestions. I'd started looking at one or two, but it actually turns out that the idea is to hand over a memory stick! Sounds a bit dated, but I'm off the hook for now. Could still be a project for another time.

  11. #11
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Sharing Photos

    Old but gold - a bit like some of us who contribute to CIC!

  12. #12

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    Re: Sharing Photos

    The trouble with memory sticks, Dave, from my experience is that you never get them back and they cost around £5 each. I have lost about 10 of them by saying download the data and let me have the stick back. So now I just do a DVD which is cheaper or a download link.

  13. #13
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Sharing Photos

    Thanks, Geoff The event is the retirement, after many years delivering, of our village postie. I'm happy to donate a memory stick!

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