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Thread: Do I need to edit images twice? One for print and one for online?

  1. #21

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    Re: Do I need to edit images twice? One for print and one for online?

    Originally Posted by xpatUSA Do I need to edit images twice? One for print and one for online? I made a simple assumption that, if a print made without duly accounting for the said challenge will normally be too dark, then it follows that a file correct for printing will normally be too bright when viewed on a normal screen as used by Bill's "most people".

    Is that simple logic incorrect?
    It's a generalization and not necessarily correct. Most people will understand that the image is printing too dark and correct the brightness. This is generally consistent from one print to the next, so once you have figured out how much to turn up the brightness (in post) before sending the image to the printer.
    This rebuttal is off-subtopic. Bill was talking about "most people" as being clients fed with a print file for display on their normal screen. I commented only about the brightness of such a file on-screen and I did not ask for Print Darkness 101.

    Originally Posted by xpatUSA Do I need to edit images twice? One for print and one for online? A pity that the discussion has segued into color accuracy. My comment was only about brightness.
    The two are linked. If the print is too dark, the colours will be incorrect.
    I repeat that I was NOT talking about "the print"! If there have to be more negative responses to my posts on this sub-topic, will you PLEASE address only the brightness of a print file shown on a normal screen as owned and viewed by "most people".

    And puh-lease don't tell me how to avoid dark prints and how to set up my monitor.
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 30th July 2021 at 01:08 PM.

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