Having a bit of fun taking photographs that don't require a long lens and fast shutter speed. A mini-break took us to an area of Scotland that we have seldom visited, and it was just a short side trip to Castle Kilchurn.
Having a bit of fun taking photographs that don't require a long lens and fast shutter speed. A mini-break took us to an area of Scotland that we have seldom visited, and it was just a short side trip to Castle Kilchurn.
I really like the first. However, I wonder if it could be improved via some tonality adjustments. To start, I applied some midtone contrast with a curve, pulling the white point down at the same time. I duplicated this, applying one with a normal blend and one with a luminosity blend to avoid boosting saturation too much. I put on a black mask and painted these onto the land mass, to avoid messing with the sky and water. I then dodged the left hand side a bit. See whether you think this direction helps.
I might also crop a tad from the left.
Thanks Dan - your tweaks do improve it!
A lovely, peaceful scene Bill. Do my eyes deceive me me or is there some fringing along the ridge of the hillside behind the castle? Should be able to correct in LR/PS.
You are correct Len. I did a bunch of long exposures on the trip and about 50% showed some degree of halo artefacts. It was easy to edit out in Affinity Photo but I didn't really pick it up in this photo - I was more concerned that the castle was a bit soft.
As mentioned in the intro text, the whole thihg was a bit new to me and outside of my comfort zone but fun, and I'll come back for more!