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Thread: A Glimpse of the Heavens

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    ex Auckland, now Porirua, New Zealand

    A Glimpse of the Heavens

    I have made quite a few versions of this. In differing colours, B&W, with and without the church (which was taken from another image), etc.

    A Glimpse of the Heavens

  2. #2
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: A Glimpse of the Heavens

    Striking image

  3. #3

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    Re: A Glimpse of the Heavens

    It is striking. The colors and symbols are associated with funerals. (That's how I see it.) I like how the crop created a heart. Very, nice image, Jim.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: A Glimpse of the Heavens

    Nicely seen and taken, Jim.

    I find the image a touch harsh and would like the shadows opened up a touch and the highlights brought down a bit as well. Those areas are in need of "calming".

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    ex Auckland, now Porirua, New Zealand

    Re: A Glimpse of the Heavens

    Many thanks, Manfred, Daniel & Peter, for your feedback! Interesting your comments re funerals and the heart shape, Daniel. I have tried two different versions to compare. One has a smaller church, the other has the cross more tailored and more central. Additionally, as Manfred suggested I have toned down the highlights of the window area and lessened the shadows. A person not on this forum, suggested that I get rid of the line at the very top of the window surround to give a more open sensation. Funnily enough I put it in because that area was a bit unclear and messy. Here is it with the smaller cross, but I prefer the second which I think is more balanced. Let me know what you think please!

    A Glimpse of the Heavens

    A Glimpse of the Heavens

  6. #6

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    Re: A Glimpse of the Heavens

    I like the first one because there is less blockage to the cross. It fits in nicely between the bars. And I like the second one because the cross is more elevated. I don't think you can go wrong with either one.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    ex Auckland, now Porirua, New Zealand

    Re: A Glimpse of the Heavens

    I have taken this a step further again and made the cross and surround as though light is striking it. What do you think please?

    A Glimpse of the Heavens

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: A Glimpse of the Heavens

    Jim - your image is getting stronger with every iteration. My main issue with it is still that large, dark, textureless area that takes up most of the visual space on the bottom left. It just overpowers the image.

    This is one of those shots where a blended multiple exposure image would likely be the best way to handle this area.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    ex Auckland, now Porirua, New Zealand

    Re: A Glimpse of the Heavens

    Well folks, yesterday I was awarded an Honours in competition, for this image, by the Judge of the evening (everyone on Zoom) for the North Shore Photographic Society, arguably the top photographic club here in New Zealand.

    Of course, Manfred, you would know that NZ judges are particularly good!

    So, thanks everyone for your feedback!
    Last edited by Jim A; 23rd September 2021 at 05:08 AM. Reason: to add thanks

  10. #10
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: A Glimpse of the Heavens

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim A View Post
    Well folks, yesterday I was awarded an Honours in competition, for this image, by the Judge of the evening (everyone on Zoom) for the North Shore Photographic Society, arguably the top photographic club here in New Zealand.

    Of course, Manfred, you would know that NZ judges are particularly good!
    Congratulations! Well done!

    It was interesting to see the image go through a number of iterations as you refined it over time. Running to through the various site members is something I consider to be a good way to validate your image. A lot of good photographers I know, who are not members of this site, use exactly that technique. Many good photographer have a 'muse" that they show and discuss their work with as they refine it.

    As for Kiwi judges, I'll have to take your word for it. I've never been a member of a photographic jury with someone from New Zealand. I hope that changes some day...

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