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Thread: New lens

  1. #1
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    New lens

    There's nothing like a Stage IV cancer diagnosis to loosen the purse strings. Yes, it looks like the BC has spread, but I am feeling great and have plans to go to the west coast this fall (Tofino and Salt Spring Island), so why not splurge for the coveted Nikkor 500 mm PF? After all, the added weight only gives me more incentive to do my much needed upper body workouts.

    These are from my first shoot yesterday.

    New lens

    New lens

    New lens

  2. #2

    Re: New lens

    Janis, I am SO utterly sorry to learn of your diagnosis. This has brought up a lot of emotion for me... My partner had that same one - metastatic breast cancer - diagnosed back in early 2017 from what was thought to be a removed breast one. She passed away about a year ago. We tend to live life as if it was infinite, but we all have a limited time on this planet and such a diagnosis brings it brutally into focus. I utterly agree that you need to treat each moment as precious, spend whatever you like and LIVE - have a bucket list and go through it.

    I hope you will be surrounded by supportive, positive people. I'm sending my own positive thoughts to you and yours from my far-flung part of the planet.
    Last edited by Tronhard; 5th September 2021 at 08:35 PM.

  3. #3
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: New lens

    Trev, I am sorry for your loss. I have to say I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to live with intent. I am letting a lot of stuff that used to get me all hot and bothered just roll off me and dissipate. And I am seizing opportunity like never before. I drove up the west side of Lake Winnipeg yesterday with my new inflatable paddleboard on the off chance that the weather forecast might not be right...; it was, and I didn't get out on the water, but I was treated to dramatic skies, double rainbows, and brilliant light on the birds at the beach. My only regret was that I hadn't brought a wide angle to capture the landscape.

    Thanks for your positive thoughts and please receive the same from me.

  4. #4

    Re: New lens

    As part of my partner's treatment, she spent a lot of time with physio's and took up paddle-boarding too. It was very good for the challenges she faced from having a bunch of lymph nodes taken, resulting in lymphoma. The paddle boarding was a great therapy: both physical and psychologically.

    She would go out whenever she could. I would be the driver, board carrier and when she came back looked after cleaning the board and getting it home again. She loved to be out on the water. She had always been a very keen cyclist and rode a conventional bike for as long as possible - she rode almost 40k to get the first dose of Ibrance! Eventually, we got her an e-bike, that I now ride.

    When she needed the Ibrance drug it was not funded in NZ, and her boss (Dean of Arts at Auckland University) set up a Give-a-little page for her. It was an amazing document. I was the constant photographer.
    She had an amazing interview with Radio NZ here:

    She had virtually, single-handedly created a degree in Global Studies - and amazing feat for any one person to do in academia. She made it her magnum opus and legacy. The university has created a scholarship in perpetuity in her name as a mark of respect for her.

    So, where you are is not an end, it is an opportunity to focus on something that gives you meaning to your life, something we all should realize. If you ever want to communicate directly with me, just PM me and I'll send you my contact details.
    Last edited by Tronhard; 6th September 2021 at 12:42 AM.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: New lens

    Janis - I am very sorry to read this. Positive thoughts and outlook are important. The mental and psychological aspects are just as important as the physical ones.

    My wife went through two rounds of breast cancer; the first one in 2012 and the second case (a new primary tumour, not a recurrence) about two years ago. In both cases it was caught early (Stage 2), but being an aggressive form, the treatments were quite aggressive as well. So far, so good, but there are a few more years to go yet before she gets back to a lower risk of recurrence.

    I understand how life altering this is; we both retired early because of her illness. We felt that time together doing what we enjoyed most was much more important that putting a few more dollars away for our retirement and frankly, it was the best possible thing we could have done. We probably feel the pain caused by COVID-19 more than most...

    My thoughts are definitely with you.

  6. #6
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: New lens

    Trev, it was heartwarming to read about Hilary and her contributions to cross-cultural communication. I loved the interview; what a beautiful voice she had! Her passion for her teaching subject and her students was palpable. It must be a comfort to you that she lived her life so well, and that you helped her do that.

    My sympathies to you and your wife, Manfred. This is my third bout, and I am barely recovered from the second. We should all be angry at the galloping increase in the incidence of cancer and looking more closely at the environmental and lifestyle causes. I am taking more responsibility for my care this time around, and am adjusting my diet, exercise, and social life as best makes sense to me. I heartily endorse your decision to retire; I have stopped taking freelance work to focus on living and self-care, and would that everyone who finds themselves in this situation had the luxury to do so.

    I am also grateful that I have this hobby to lose myself in, and am hoping that I will continue to develop my skills. So, what do think of my images? 😉

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: New lens

    Quote Originally Posted by purplehaze View Post

    I am also grateful that I have this hobby to lose myself in, and am hoping that I will continue to develop my skills. So, what do think of my images? 😉
    What can I say; your work keeps improving. Every time you post, both the technical side of your work and the compositional sides have improved. Keep working on it, as they say, "practice makes perfect".

  8. #8
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: New lens

    Quote Originally Posted by purplehaze View Post
    There's nothing like a Stage IV cancer diagnosis to loosen the purse strings. Yes, it looks like the BC has spread, but I am feeling great and have plans to go to the west coast this fall (Tofino and Salt Spring Island), so why not splurge for the coveted Nikkor 500 mm PF?
    The thoughts and best wishes of all your buddies here are with you Janis. Of much less importance - these are super and a testament to you and "the coveted 500PF".

    Last edited by billtils; 6th September 2021 at 05:37 PM.

  9. #9
    LensofNature's Avatar
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    Re: New lens

    I am so sorry to hear about your Stage 4 cancer, Janis. Your psychological and spiritual response to the news is life embracing and inspiring. Your photos are awesome! That's quite the lens; however, no doubt your skill is what really made these photos magnificent.

  10. #10

    Re: New lens

    If you go to the west coast, I would recommend a trip up north to shoot bear and eagles. I lived in Victoria for about 11 years and still miss it. It's absolutely gorgeous - the Inner Harbour, whale watching, Juan de Fuca fogs etc. At Duncan there is a raptor sanctuary that is worth visiting. When I was there a few years ago they were teaching eagles to attack drones that were encroaching on Vancouver Airport. The birds apparently really enjoyed it and were richly rewarded for their efforts.

  11. #11

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    Re: New lens

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    When I was there a few years ago they were teaching eagles to attack drones that were encroaching on Vancouver Airport. The birds apparently really enjoyed it and were richly rewarded for their efforts.

  12. #12

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    Re: New lens

    I also am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis.

  13. #13
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: New lens

    Thanks, Manfred; I like to think I am improving. Thanks for the feedback, Bill and the warm thoughts; I like to think I am part of the community. Denise, I wish I could take more credit, but the equipment counts for the larger part, I fear. I appreciate your sympathy, Rita, but for the time being, I am okay with it all.

    Trev, I am tagging along with my sister's family for this trip, so I am not in control of the itinerary, but I understand that there is great birding in Tofino, so that was a strong motivator in my decision to spring for the 500 mm.

  14. #14

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    Re: New lens

    I am sorry to hear about your stage 4 cancer, Janis. I do hope your trip will help. Do another one. Look after yourself and do another trip. I am envious of your 500pf lens.
    Cheers Ole

  15. #15
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: New lens

    Hello Janis.

    Well since this is a photo forum, great shots. I'm sure down to both the lens and its owner.

    But, I'm sure that's devastating news to receive. You were kind enough to reply when I posted about my own health issues, a month or two back. We each have to deal with these things in our own way, and you seem to be grabbing your opportunities. Good luck, and my thoughts go with you.


  16. #16
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: New lens

    Thanks, Dave. I hope you are doing well. I like your tagline. These days, I find myself thinking that every person I meet has troubles equal to or greater than my own, and it makes me a whole lot more patient.

  17. #17
    Chataignier's Avatar
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    Re: New lens

    Sorry to hear of the diagnosis, but delighted to hear that you are living life for the moment.
    I've just had the good news that my latest dose of radiotherapy was effective and look forward to buying some new lenses too.
    Love the shots, sharp and detailed.
    Regards David

  18. #18
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: New lens

    Thanks for the feedback, David, and the good news about your treatment! (Can’t get enough of those.) So what lenses are you looking at?

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