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Thread: colorful spider

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    colorful spider

    I was out shooting some blossoms with my 28-75mm Tamron on the A6600 when I spied this colorful spider... The spider was blowing in the wind so I needed to use a fast shutter speed and a narrow aperture to stop its motion and to retain sufficient DOF... BTW: due to the branches of the bush, I couldn't get a better angle...

    colorful spider

    Can anyone identify this spider?

  2. #2
    Martin A's Avatar
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    Re: colorful spider

    I believe it's Argiope Aurantia and is commonly known as the yellow garden spider. It is of the orb weaver family of spiders.

  3. #3
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: colorful spider

    Very nice Richard.

    I liked your aside on the branches too, kind of makes me think of the old saying about not being able to see the wood for the trees. For sure a capture that has no distracting elements makes a prettier picture but really the main objective should be did the photographer get a good capture of the creature in which case "the trees" don't matter in the least.

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