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Thread: Shot in the Bronx

  1. #1

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    Shot in the Bronx

    Took three street portraitures today walking in the South Bronx.

    The first one is of David. He is in his early twenties and is trying to sign up people for free phones. Today was his first day on the job.

    The second image is of Mario. He works behind the counter of the Boogie Down Cafe.

    The third image is of Irene. She is sitting in the outside dining area in front of the cafe. She works nearby and lives in Brooklyn.

    I have cropped and done an Auto adjustment on all three. Went B/W with Mario's image because I thought it was an improvement.

    Comments appreciated.

    Shot in the Bronx
    Shot in the Bronx
    Shot in the Bronx

  2. #2
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Shot in the Bronx

    I like in order of the photos. #1 he totally looks fit for the job... he looks kind of like a street "hustler" . He's very engaged, I bet he is successful.
    #2 is more subdued, but still made contact. I'm not sure if he was thrilled in having his photo snapped, or maybe just not enjoying his work.
    #3 doesn't work for me. She has her phone in her hand and is looking up and away.

    Nice work overall. Love street shots.

  3. #3

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    Re: Shot in the Bronx

    Hi Sharon. Thank you for your reply. It's interesting to hear what others gather from the images. David is just starting out but he is determined to be successful. He was very personable and has a natural way about him that can make him successful in sales. He told me he dreams big when I told him to set his sights high.

    Mario behind the counter was super nice. I asked for an ice tea and he rattled off a list of teas. I didn't know what any of them were and let him pick. He made a special tea for me that wasn't on the menu.
    He was busy and I asked him to pull his mask down and snapped the photo.

    I agree with you about Irene's photo. Will take a look at her other shots. This one had more space below her feet.

    I've been working on engaging with strangers in the street. It's been a lot of fun meeting different people.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Shot in the Bronx

    Three nice images, although I personally prefer the middle one. The main reason is that it is easy to see what he is doing. With the other two, it is not obvious and that is why I find them less effective. You might also want to look at how you framed / cropped the images; they all look a bit "loose" to me with a fair bit of material that is not adding to the stories.

    Try changing the crops to see what that does for the images.

  5. #5

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    Re: Shot in the Bronx

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Three nice images, although I personally prefer the middle one. The main reason is that it is easy to see what he is doing. With the other two, it is not obvious and that is why I find them less effective. You might also want to look at how you framed / cropped the images; they all look a bit "loose" to me with a fair bit of material that is not adding to the stories.

    Try changing the crops to see what that does for the images.
    Thank you Manfred for your input. I did a tighter crop as you suggested and I like the results. Much appreciated.

  6. #6
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Shot in the Bronx

    The second one is the strongest for me.

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