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Those of you who are users of Tony Kuyper's TK7 luminosity mask plug in will know that the new TK8 is available.
I just installed it. Under the hood, it makes use of Photoshop's new plugin architecture (the old one was an extension, currently called a "legacy extension" in Photoshop). If follows the design of the old one in that it includes a choice of a number of different panels. The Cx and Combo panels are huge and complex. I never use them, and in fact, this time, I didn't even install them. I use only the simplest of the three, which used to be "TK7 Go" and is now "TK8 Multi-Mask". Although this is far simpler, it's enormously powerful. E.g., it lets you create masks based on luminosity ranges or values (the latter being continuously adjustable), hue, saturation, edges, or a black-white conversion, among many other things, and it lets you attach the resulting mask to many common adjustments (curves, levels, hue/saturation, etc.) with a single click of a button. It also includes numerous tools for modifying a mask before applying it.