This time of year is a great time to go to the Dahlia garden at Pt. Defiance Park in Tacoma, Washington
2021 Dahlias by urbanflyer, on Flickr
This time of year is a great time to go to the Dahlia garden at Pt. Defiance Park in Tacoma, Washington
2021 Dahlias by urbanflyer, on Flickr
Gorgeous shot Judith; your image is verging on the graphic. The colours and crop work well and the sky complements your shot very nicely.
There is one small spot around the 10 o'clock position that is a bit bright and distracting. If you could burn that down, the image would be even stronger.
Good one, Judith!
Thanks! I agree. I saw that at the last moment and did not make the change. Here is another version with that correction.
DSC_4111-Edit2 copy by urbanflyer, on Flickr
Very nice. Dahlias are wonderful to take photos of.
Great image. Completely "to the point" with no extraneous elements.
A good demonstration of the adage to "fill the frame" too.
This is a great image. It's a an excellent perspective that brings out the features of the flower, and the lighting is very good.
My one suggestion--and this is merely a matter of taste--is that the image might be improved even more by increasing contrast a slight amount. You may prefer the lower contrast, of course. But if not, I got this by making only two adjustments, both with a levels adjustment: I moved the black point up to 19 and moved the midpoint up trivially, to a value of 0.96. You could do this with other tools too, of course, e.g., a curve. You could also add a slight second curve on top of this to boost midtone contrast, although if I did that, I would use a luminosity blend mode to avoid boosting the saturation more. I tried it and thought it looked better, as long as the boost was very subtle. Just a thought about a possible direction.
Last edited by DanK; 30th September 2021 at 02:36 PM.
Nothing new to add,just a fine piece of work.