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Thread: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

  1. #1

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    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Continuing with this challenge to post at least one image each week. No particular theme this year just a random selection of scenes from my local area. This is the fourth quarter and the third quarter is here

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - Third Quarter

    Week 42 - Local Fishing Boats

    George Edwin at the store boxes

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    7D with Sigma 150-600 lens. 1/400 F11 Iso 400


    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Southern Star

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    1/500 F11 Iso 320

  2. #2

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Week 43 - Dartmouth. My first visit for two years.

    The town from the Castle Landing Steps

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    7D with Canon 70-200 lens. 1/640 F11 Iso 400. Merge of two bracketed exposures. I think I might try a slightly tighter crop and lose a bit from the left side and bottom.

    Dartmouth Castle. I was looking the other way from those steps but it was an impossible light angle. However, I had a go anyway. As expected, there was a bit of fringing problems but with my second editing attempt I managed to reduce the issue.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    1/250 F8 Iso 400

    Kingswear Castle, across the harbour, with the Newbrook passing.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Sigma 150-600 Sport lens 1/640 F11 Iso 250. Merge of two conversions from a single Raw file

  3. #3

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Froward Point, on the Kingswear side of the bay.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Canon 70-200 lens. 1/320 F11 Iso 250. Merge of two bracketed exposures.

    And some boats passing Froward Point

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    150-600 lens 1/250 F11 Iso 400

  4. #4

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Week 44 - Hope Cove from the coast path

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    7D with Canon 24-105 lens. 1/250 F11 Iso 400. Merge of two bracketed exposures

    Some surfers at Hope Cove; but I had hoped to see more surf.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    The coast path near Bolt Tail. It was a day of sunshine with increasing clouds and a few afternoon showers.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    1/400 F 11 Iso 400. Merge of two bracketed exposures

  5. #5
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    A good set of photos.

    When I initially looked at the first one, I thought you must have taken it from an aircraft – but then saw your caption that the photo was taken from a land-based trail! To my eyes, most of the buildings in this photo look comparatively new. Is that the case?

    The third photo does a good job of making the viewer wonder what is over the top of the hill.

  6. #6

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Thanks for the comments, Bruce.

    Hope Cove is sort of divided into the two parts of Inner and Outer Hope Cove, although modern development has tended to fill the gap. But the only road between them goes inland behind that hotel on the right side. There is a narrow path across the cliff top.

    Outer Hope Cove, shown in that photo, mostly dates from the 1920's when the more substantial buildings were constructed although the pub and some houses are shown in photographs from the 1850's. The more modern buildings, particularly the hilltop bungalows are from the 1960's.

    Inner Hope Cove, which is behind that slipway on the other side of the bay, is earlier and has a group of old thatched roof houses. Until the mid eighteenth century it wasn't safe to live on the coasts because of the risk from enemy and Barbary pirate raids, so the main population was at a village a couple of miles further inland.

    I had intended to photograph the old village but there were a couple of modern cars parked there so I decided to wait until another day.

    With that last photo, I had seen the interesting background sky and was looking around to find the best angle. I photographed some people sitting on the seat from various angles, on both sides of that gate, but I didn't really like the results. Then I saw that couple nearing the skyline and decided to go for a lucky shot.

    A few years ago, Hope Cove featured in a film comedy called The Supergrass with a star cast including a few local people. I would recommend it.

  7. #7

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    The map, just for information:

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

  8. #8

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    I always wonder why some odd items are listed in Google Maps while so much else is excluded. I suppose it is a case of paying for inclusion? The old part of the village is that little square behind the Fishermen's Reading Room, which is a small community centre now. It was a strong Methodist village so that room was constructed to give fishermen an alternative to the pub on rough weather days.

  9. #9

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    I always wonder why some odd items are listed in Google Maps while so much else is excluded. I suppose it is a case of paying for inclusion?
    My street in some mapping programs is shown as about 600 yards (remember them?) to the east on a dirt pathway on private property which no doubt was once a road of some sort. I bitched to Google and they fixed it - but others still seem to misinterpret the old County maps ...

  10. #10
    ST1's Avatar
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    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    My street in some mapping programs is shown as about 600 yards (remember them?) to the east on a dirt pathway on private property which no doubt was once a road of some sort. I bitched to Google and they fixed it - but others still seem to misinterpret the old County maps ...
    Having read your comment regarding interpretation of maps I though this may be of interest to some on here.
    The link is to the National Library of Scotland mapping for Hope Cove. It allows you to search for and see a location, and chose an historic map of it overlaid on a modern map ( satellite or road etc.) you can alter the opacity of the top layer and view the underlying layer.
    Whilst it isn't photography related resource I find it invaluable for my genealogy research. Well worth exploring if you have time or interest.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Last edited by ST1; 2nd November 2021 at 07:19 AM.

  11. #11

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Those side by side maps are very interesting and shows a lot of changes which have occurred in my lifetime.

    A little while ago I went to the old 1840's Tithe Maps, with field names, and did a comparison with the modern map for one of the sites where I regularly record wildlife.

    Anyway, today started with a shopping trip and the weather looked a bit uncertain so about mid morning I had a walk along the local coast path. Conditions became mostly sunny with some nice skies.

    Week 45

    Salcombe Harbour

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    7D with Canon 24-105 lens 1/400 F11 Iso 200. Merge of two bracketed exposures

    A bit further along the path near Bolt Head and looking towards Prawle Point

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    1/250 F11 Iso 400

    and from the other side

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

  12. #12
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Three lovely images, I can't decide which of the last two I prefer.....maybe the last one is a nose in front.

  13. #13

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    The two sides do look rather different. Thanks for the comment.

  14. #14

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Week 46 - Thurlestone Rock. Another image featuring the sky - nicely blue with just a few distant clouds.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    7D with Canon 24-105 lens. 1/160 F11 Iso 200. Merge of two bracketed exposures.

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Also, there were some Rock Pipits feeding among the rotting kelp. Fairly tolerant of people and I was able to get up to 10 ft from them but they wouldn't stay still and it was difficult to find good light angles. So it meant trying to hand hold my large bird lens.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    7D with Sigma 150-600 lens. 1/1250 F9 Iso 800. At 600 mm. Less Iso would have been a good idea but the light level kept changing as I was panning with the moving birds and I needed a reasonable shutter speed to allow for hand holding such a weighty bit of equipment. Wedging myself against some rocks did help a bit.

  16. #16

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Week 47 - Bolt Head Area. Had a walk around the coast path area for a couple of hours today.

    Sharpitor. The same location as the second image of post #11 but a slightly different wider view.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    7D with Tamron 24-70 lens. 1/250 F11 iso 200. Merge of two bracketed exposures.

    The weather was mostly sunny although there were a few patches of cloud at times.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    And some contented cattle having a rest

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Canon 70-200 lens.

  17. #17

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Week 48 - Andrews Wood Volunteer Work Gang. It was the last visit by the woman in these images who is moving to another job so I wanted to get a few photographs of the day. But due to the conditions I didn't want to risk my bulky and heavy best equipment in the mud and other dangers so I just took my little Fuji X20 'pocket sized' camera. But although that camera is reasonably good for the price range these scenes were a bit of a struggle for it.

    Lunch Break. I wanted to get some natural real life images instead of posed scenes.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Under the reduced woodland light conditions typical settings worked out around 1/30 F3.6 at 400 Iso. I did get away with it on this image but others were getting blurred so I switched to manual settings and used the pop up flash.

    However, that little flash was somewhat under powered and I was picking up some over exposure areas from a few highly reflective bits; which resulted in getting under exposed shadows.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    1/160 F3.6 Iso 400. This cured the motion blur problems but caused some excessive noise in the shadows. I have done what I can during editing.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    A fairly tight crop as well as being under exposed

  18. #18

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Geoff, you and the Fuji coped well with the light which I calculate as being 4 stops less than open sunlight!

    I miss being able to just sit on the ground ... Not advisable here in Texas with the fire ants and the occasional scorpion not to mention small but venomous copperhead snakes.
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 12th November 2021 at 01:40 PM.

  19. #19

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Thanks for the comment, Ted. Those images won't win any prizes but they give good memories of that day.

    I have reached an age where my chief worry about sitting on the ground is how I am going to stand up again! That is where having a tripod is particularly useful.

    Week 49 - First visit this winter to a local bird hide. On the way, I looked across the river towards some sheep on the other bank. The best tasting grass is always hard to reach.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    7D with Tamron 24-70 lens. 1/250 F9 Iso 400. Merge of two conversions from a single Raw file. I originally shot wider and included a couple of extra sheep on the left side plus some more buildings but decided a closer crop worked better.

    And a closer shot of some sheep on top of that bank.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Sigma 150-600 Sport Lens at 430 mm. 1/500 F10 Iso 400

    At the hide, most of the birds kept too far away for good photos except for a pair of Stonechats.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    1/160 F9 Iso 400.

    A pity this Kingfisher wasn't closer when it perched on the bow of a boat.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    1/400 F9 Iso 400 at 600 mm.

    I have changed a couple of images to remove a bit of distracting reflected sky in the first sheep photo and to remove a background stalk from the Stonechat photo
    Last edited by Geoff F; 18th November 2021 at 09:06 AM.

  20. #20

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    Week 50 - Salcombe from East Portlemouth. A nice clear sunny morning and I was thinking about getting some photos for the next local history society calendar. So on my way to doing some shopping I diverted to the next village in order to find some different angles.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    7D with Tamron 24-70 lens. 1/500 F11 Iso 200. Underexposed for the highlights then recovered the midtones in two conversions from a single Raw file.

    And looking up the harbour

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    A rowing gig crew was getting in a bit of practice.

    Project 52 Challenge by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

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