Oh......is that a drip on the spout?
Do tell us how you managed that Manfred, of course it could just be my eyesight playing tricks
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Personally, I like this a lot but I wonder if Judge Manfred would have marked it down because the items are not grounded?
I would not have a problem here Bill as there are soft shadows where the coffee pot and saucer sit on the white seamless paper. If you open the image in Lightbox and zoom in, each coffee bean also casts a small shadow. This shot uses high key lighting.
The one area that i would likely complain about if I put on my judge's hat would be the amount of negative space, especially at the top left.
Yes, I did see that but the whole thing is still "floating" (and I still like it a lot).
The negative space doesn't bother me - it's a nice triangle.
I like it. At first I thought you added the drip with an eye-dropper in PS !