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Thread: Lightroom templates in Print module

  1. #1

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    Lightroom templates in Print module

    Apologies for my continued absence this year, but I hope to give an account of my year during December.

    In the meantime I wonder if, in the Lightroom Templates Browser panel, it is possible to create subfolders. Every method try on my Windows PC creates a folder under the main Lightroom templates folder. All new folders therefore are listed at the same hierachical level as the Lightroom Templates folder and the User Templates folder. Have I a missed a trick here?

    If it is not possible to create subfolders, how do you organise your templates, if at all?

    Also, will a template save all the printer settings as well as the page layout etc?
    Last edited by Rufus; 9th November 2021 at 01:01 PM.

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom templates in Print module


    Yes, the templates save everything, at least with my printer (a Canon). That's one reason I love printing from Lightroom. Once you know how you want things set for a specific a paper, you can save the whole thing: paper type, paper size, print quality, media type, margins, color matching (off), all of the adjustments in the print-module right-hand panel, etc. I can just soft proof, go to the print moduled, pick a template, and print. In practice I generally check the printer settings anyway, but if the template has been created and stored correctly, I don't think this is really necessary.

    I'm at the wrong computer to check, but I don't know any way of imposing a hierarchcal folder structure for print templates. If anyone does, I'l like to know, as I have a lot of them, and it would remove clutter to organize them hierarchically.

    I use template names to impose a logical hierarchy, and lately I've been trying to be more consistent in naming. The first part of the name is whatever one would have as the top level of the hierarchy. In my case, that's the paper. The second part of the name is paper size. After that comes anything else. So, for example, "RSSR 13 x 19 signature" is my template for River Stone Satin Rag, size 13 x 19, with margins that I have made larger to allow room for a signature to show when framed. If I were to print for myself with a custom mat, I would use "RSSR 13 x 19 max".

    I also use the end of the name for other odds and ends. For example, I still have a fair number of Neilsen 11 x 14 frames for 8 x 10 prints, and a few larger ones for 11 x 14 prints. When using those frames, the print size has to be set to be roughly 1/8 larger than the opening of the mat on each side. I have those margins stored in templates with names like "RSSR 8 x 10 Neilsen".

    Of course, how you would do this depends on what you find easiest. For example, some people might want size as the top level folder, and if so, size would be the first part of the template name.

    Not as good as actual nested folders, but I find it works quite well for me, allowing me to find and apply templates very quickly.

    I hope this helps.


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    Re: Lightroom templates in Print module

    Thank you that is a great help. I am sure if nested folders were possible you would have found a way to them!

    I agree that careful naming of templates would certainly help and there is no right answer to the order. I had an idea of working down a decision tree:
    • B&W or colour?
    • Size?
    • Make & name of paper?
    • Landscape or Portrait?
    • Surface finish (gloss, semi-gloss...)?

    For example, one template might be named: B&W 6x4 Canon SG-201 Portrait Semi-gloss

    I usually print with equal borders (or trimmed to be equal) so I shall probably amend the image size and/or canvas size in Photoshop should a need for unequal borders arise.

    As new folders can be created at a high level I am thinking of dividing the templates between two folders, one for B&W and one for colour.

  4. #4
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom templates in Print module

    It is very easy to create folders in the print module template browser which comes with 2 folders. One for lightroom templates and the other for user's templates. If you right click on either one of those two, you will get a context menu that lets you create new folders. I have not tried to create folders within folders.

  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom templates in Print module

    I just tried and see no way to create nested folders, but I did find what Andre points out: you can create a new folder at the same level as "user templates"

  6. #6

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    Re: Lightroom templates in Print module

    Butting in, I sympathize with you gentlemen as regards the difficulties of flat versus hierarchical data structures. Months ago, I had image files all over the place and finally bit the bullet by leaving them in place but started going through them - diligently applying IPTC/XMP keywords to each one with a Viewer app.

    As David said, careful naming is necessary, even in a hierarchy. My Viewer allows keeping a pick list so that my keywords are arranged and spelled the same each time.

    The Viewer also allows meta-data templates. Fortunately I only need two because, guess what, the drop-down menu does not allow sub-menus ... sound familiar?

  7. #7

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    Re: Lightroom templates in Print module

    I agree André. The folders can be created with a right click and in other ways, but it does not seem possible to create folders within them. Such functionality would be quite useful.

  8. #8
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom templates in Print module

    I just tried using the function that Andre described: creating new template folders at the same level as "user templates". It turns out to be a big help, at least for me. I've created top-level folders for the templates that use the papers I use the most, and I've left "user templates" for the leftovers. Makes a big difference, both because things are now organized by paper, but also because you can collapse the top-level folders and open only the one you want, which is much tidier.

  9. #9

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    Re: Lightroom templates in Print module

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    I've created top-level folders for the templates that use the papers I use the most, and I've left "user templates" for the leftovers. Makes a big difference, both because things are now organized by paper, but also because you can collapse the top-level folders and open only the one you want, which is much tidier.
    I am glad you have derived some benefit already.

    That type of arrangement was also the best I could think of in the absence of subfolders. I have only created a few templates so far so the issue is not yet pressing for me. I am still considering my options, but I am coming round to your heirarchical structure so that I am ready to use papers other than Canon's own in due course.

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