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I love the idea and will happily steal it but a couple of things don't quite work for me. Firstly in the upper right on the background paper there is a 'v' shape which I find quite distracting. But the main thing for me is the transparency. If we are looking at the fly from underneath then we shouldn't be able to see the edges of the wings through the back legs as the back legs would be solid. If however we are looking down at the fly from above , ie looking through the wings onto the back legs then the back legs should not be as defined as they are because they would be slightly blurred/faded by the intervening wing material. Now I know this all sounds very pedantic but this is the sort of fascinating pic that drags you in so that you want to look at all the details. It is like a puzzle and you want to understand how everything fits together which is why, though I love the pic, I am left a little dissatisfied because I don't think the transparency quite works.