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Thread: Single Malt Glassware

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Single Malt Glassware

    I had been shooting a combination of different types of glassware.

    I decided to stick to bottles and glassware usually associated to the consumption of single malt whisky. Three Glencairn glasses, three specialty tasting glasses and of course two empty single malt bottles with labels removed.

    Single Malt Glassware

  2. #2
    Martin A's Avatar
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    Re: Single Malt Glassware

    Manfred, I believe this is the best of the glassware images you have posted. I am still attempting to understand the origin of each the reflections in the glasses. Very nice work!

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Single Malt Glassware

    Martin, you are looking at refraction, rather than reflection. Each glass has water in it and that turned them into crude lenses. If you remember optical theory, lenses will invert the light that passes through them, so things will be upside down and backwards.

  4. #4
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: Single Malt Glassware

    Very nice work Manfred, that refraction in the glass (LHS) of the three reminds me of Battenberg Cake IYSWIM.
    Is the material sitting on top of those three glasses a piece of glass, as I think I'm seeing refracted colours in its forward edge?

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Re: Single Malt Glassware

    Quote Originally Posted by ST1 View Post
    Is the material sitting on top of those three glasses a piece of glass, as I think I'm seeing refracted colours in its forward edge?
    That's exactly what it is, a small piece of tempered glass shelving. It's a bit longer than shown in the image; I cut the length down in Photoshop. It is sitting above the glassware a tiny bit as I had inserted a spacer between the shelf and glasses to prevent glass to glass contact and give a bit of visual separation. I Photoshoped that bit out.

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