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Thread: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

  1. #1
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    With a raw image from camera with no edits open in ACR colours are good enough but when that image is opened in PS there is a significant yellow hue.

    Whilst my system is presently not calibrated everything I can find is set to SRGB and I can not determine a reason for this difference between ACR and PS.

    This has only just happened and whilst I had not done anything with respect to any colour settings I had undertaken a Windows update.

    Any ideas would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    What version of Photoshop are you using ?

    Open a raw file in ACR and go to the ACR Preferences window. Under Workflow ...what is the colour space set to ?
    Is it the same as your Working Color Space in Photoshop ?

    Are you using "Open" in ACR to see the image in Photoshop ?

    It may help if you post a screenshot of your Color Settings tab in Photoshop
    Last edited by pschlute; 29th November 2021 at 08:05 AM.

  3. #3
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post
    What version of Photoshop are you using ?

    Open a raw file in ACR and go to the ACR Preferences window. Under Workflow ...what is the colour space set to ?
    Is it the same as your Working Color Space in Photoshop ?

    Are you using "Open" in ACR to see the image in Photoshop ?

    It may help if you post a screenshot of your Color Settings tab in Photoshop
    Peter, I'm using the latest version of PS, in fact I have just re-installed it without the previous preferences and the same is happening.

    Color spaces are set to srgb in both ACR and PS. When in ACR I use the 'Open' button, bottom right to transfer it into PS.

    ACR 'Workflow' settings screenshot

    Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    PS settings screenshot

    Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    You can clearly see the difference in the image colour between the two. What I have also found is that if I save the image directly from ACR (which process I often do with hundreds of event pics) as a jpeg with srgb profile, what is saved is not what I see in the ACR view but the version with the yellow hue as I see in PS.

    Note the 'unsynchronised' warning in the PS settings box.

    I'm sure it has to be something simple but at present I'm lost.
    Last edited by Stagecoach; 29th November 2021 at 10:25 AM.

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    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS


    Your settings are almost identical to mine except I use AdobeRGB as working space and in ACR.

    But....I do not have that 'unsynchronised' warning. I wonder if that is your issue ?

  5. #5
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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post

    Your settings are almost identical to mine except I use AdobeRGB as working space and in ACR.

    But....I do not have that 'unsynchronised' warning. I wonder if that is your issue ?
    I have never noticed that 'unsynchronised' warning before, but I have never looked so closely.

    Doing a search on it there are mentions that 'Bridge' can be used to synchronise things but I have never loaded Bridge previously.

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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    Another thought. In Photoshop, go to View and make sure you have Proof Colors un-ticked.

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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post
    Another thought. In Photoshop, go to View and make sure you have Proof Colors un-ticked.
    I've ticked/unticked that setting Peter and it makes no difference to the colour discrepancy.

    Had a look at my laptop that has an older version of PS and ACR on it that I hardly ever use and it does not have the same problem as I'm encountering on the PC. Checking all laptop colour management settings for Windows/ACR/PS they are the same as the PC other than the monitor .icc profile which is my calibration. I'll try different monitor profiles to see if I can replicate the PC anomaly and if not, will update the laptop to latest PS/ACR versions and see what happens.

    The only difference then between the PC and laptop will be that the laptop is Windows 10 and the PC is Windows 11 plus has a dedicated graphics processor.

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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post

    The only difference then between the PC and laptop will be that the laptop is Windows 10 and the PC is Windows 11 plus has a dedicated graphics processor.
    This may or may not be relevant, but there is a chance it is. I use an Eizo monitor and the advice on their website is not to update to windows 11 yet, as they state there is a bug in it (win11) which prevents the monitor profile being correctly read by the Eizo calibration software.

    Perhaps this "bug" is causing your issues (although why ACR and PS should not be identically affected I cannot explain).

    I would suggest you post on some win11 forums and see what you find out.

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    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post
    I have never noticed that 'unsynchronised' warning before, but I have never looked so closely.

    Doing a search on it there are mentions that 'Bridge' can be used to synchronise things but I have never loaded Bridge previously.
    The synchronization applies to being between different Adobe applications, like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro, etc. That should not impact the problem that you are reporting.

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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post
    This may or may not be relevant, but there is a chance it is. I use an Eizo monitor and the advice on their website is not to update to windows 11 yet, as they state there is a bug in it (win11) which prevents the monitor profile being correctly read by the Eizo calibration software.

    Perhaps this "bug" is causing your issues (although why ACR and PS should not be identically affected I cannot explain).

    I would suggest you post on some win11 forums and see what you find out.
    I had considered that the Win 11 update 'could' be the problem but thinking about it two weeks ago I PPd in excess of 100 images in ACR without putting any into PS, in ACR downsized and saved them (jpeg/srgb) then uploaded to my website. I noticed the following day that they appeared 'dull', deleted them, re ran the raws through ACR and brightened them up with some changes to WB. At that time I had not updated to Win 11 so suspect I had this problem then but had not noticed it.

    But as you say, the 'difference' between ACR and PS is not explained.

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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    The synchronization applies to being between different Adobe applications, like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro, etc. That should not impact the problem that you are reporting.
    Thanks for the clarification Manfred, I have nothing but PS, ACR and Lightroom Classic (that I never use) loaded.

    P.S. I may have a look at Lightroom today and see what happens there, as I have to PP hundreds of event images this coming weekend.

  12. #12
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    I would carefully go through all your settings in PS. There was an update about a month ago, a big one, and a number of settings were set back to default.

    Failing that I would suggest a complete reinstall of everything Adobe on your new win11 machine. Make sure that after the un-install you delete any remnant folders. Then run a registry cleaner. Then re-install. This will mean starting from scratch with settings unfortunately. Save the old LR catalogue files somewhere safe so you can import them to the new installation.

    Good luck.

  13. #13
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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post
    I would carefully go through all your settings in PS. There was an update about a month ago, a big one, and a number of settings were set back to default.

    Failing that I would suggest a complete reinstall of everything Adobe on your new win11 machine. Make sure that after the un-install you delete any remnant folders. Then run a registry cleaner. Then re-install. This will mean starting from scratch with settings unfortunately. Save the old LR catalogue files somewhere safe so you can import them to the new installation.

    Good luck.
    I've checked all settings in PS numerous times now and can find nothing wrong or any changes that make a difference to this problem.

    A complete un-install with clearing of folders is a good option and takes little time. I'm not worried about losing any preferences or settings with a re-install as these are easy to change and have no LR catalogue.

    I have not ever used a registry cleaner before, can I just download one from the net?

  14. #14
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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    Before trying anything so drastic as a re-install, I notice you are using your camera's native raw file and a camera specific profile.

    Try taking a shot using DNG raw file format and use one of the standard Adobe profiles like "Adobe color". This will rule out if there is a compatibility problem with your camera's raw files/profiles. I cannot think there would be but it is worth trying everything.

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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post

    I have not ever used a registry cleaner before, can I just download one from the net?
    I use CCleaner, and have done for years with no issues. It is free. You must check if it is win11 compatible however.

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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post
    I use CCleaner, and have done for years with no issues. It is free. You must check if it is win11 compatible however.
    Many thanks Peter.

    I'll do all this later today and post an update.

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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    Update, following numerous checks of colour management settings/profiles with no progress ...........................

    1) Adobe uninstalled, all folders removed and re-installed. Problem remains.

    2) Adobe uninstalled, system and registry cleaned using CCleaner, Adobe re-installed. Problem remains.

    3) Web searching reveals others have the problem of PS showing 'yellow' hue. This yellow hue is also evident in ViewNX.

    4) Installed Lightroom Classic and opening a clean raw file in Develop mode the thumbnail has the yellow hue.

    Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    5) Three different monitor .icm profiles tested, whilst differences between them none alter the fact that what I see in ACR is not the same as what I see in PS.

    6) What I have now found since the re-install of PS/ACR is that jpegs saved from either ACR or PS are the same colour as what I view on the monitor in ACR. These saved jpegs are as far as I'm concerned acceptable for now.

    It seems the only options at present are to roll back to Win 10 from 11 and see what happens, I've 6 days left to do that, or just accept PS monitor view colours are wrong and await a bug fix, assuming it's a Windows problem.

  18. #18
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    Sounds to me it is a monitor profile issue. Perhaps performing a calibration using X-Rite or Datacolor Spyder hardware/software would fix it, although I would not be too sure. My monitor manufacturer Eizo, do not recommend using Windows 11 yet due to a software bug in the OS causing problems with the profile being read and applied correctly.

    I would be inclined to roll-back to W10 personally.

  19. #19
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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    I can remember when I was young being told that computers would enable us to have lots more free time

  20. #20
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Image colour change when going from ACR to PS

    I wonder if you are right that this may be a Windows 11 driver / colour management issue.

    My Windows 10 machine works fine, but my new laptop that I bought earlier this this month seems to have a strange bias in some of the colours (green / yellow), even after profiling and calibration. It has a 100% Adobe RGB compliant screen and it came with Windows 11 pre-loaded, so I don't know what things would have looked like under the mature WIndows 10 drivers.

    Apple has had a history of colour issues whenever they release a new OS. but Windows has generally done that part of the updating well. Perhaps this time was an exception?

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