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Thread: Apartments, pohutakawa and sky

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    ex Auckland, now Porirua, New Zealand

    Apartments, pohutakawa and sky

    On a visit a couple of days ago into Wellington CBD this scene caught my eye - the juxtaposition of the three elements. Does it resonate with you at all?

    Apartments, pohutakawa and sky

  2. #2

    Re: Apartments, pohutakawa and sky

    Hi Jim:
    Glad to see you have broken away from being immured in Auckland and enjoying some 'other' NZ!

    To me the Pohutukawa is the symbol of summer in NZ. When I lived in Canada, despite it being more seasonally appropriate to the Santa myth, I missed the colours of the NZ Christmas Tree - I had to settle for Poinsettia plants instead, but it wasn't the same.

    I love the colour ranges in this image, lots of complimentary and contrasting elements, and it looks summery!

    The apartments certainly also resonate, given our push to intensify our housing stock. The only thing is that my engineer's eye keeps getting focused on the slightly off-vertical nature of the apartments - I admit it's a 'thing' with me. If you were able to tweak that to BE truly vertical I would be more able to appreciate your image!

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