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I absolutely hate culling, so I sympathize.
I'm surprised you don't find Lightroom good for this purpose. I find it very good. You can set the thumbnails for any size you want, and when you see images you want to delete, all you have to do is hit the X key. Then at the end, hit control-backspace, and they are all deleted; Lightroom will give you the choice between removing them from Lightroom and deleted them from the hard disk. If you come across one that isn't clear--for example, if you aren't certain about focus--you can enlarge it as much as you want with a mouse click or two. Most of the time, this is all I have to do for an initial culling.
When things are complex and I'm not certain whether I will want to delete some, I use the star sytem. Each photo gets either an X for deletion or a number of stars; I usualy use 3 for "maybe delete later". Then I delete all the X's and worry about the 3-start photos later.