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Thread: Abstract? A bit image heavy...

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Abstract? A bit image heavy...

    I spent the afternoon doing some rather strange B&W work.

    Two Glencairn whisky glasses partially filled with water are the base, a glass sphere and two glass hemispheres were the subjects. I had everything sitting on a sheet of black acrylic and shot the light (small softbox with front baffle removed) through a piece of white, translucent acrylic. I clamped a window screen and a cooling rack for baking to the white acrylic sheet. I converted everything to B&W to eliminate some of the strange colours created by my primitive optics.

    Abstract? A bit image heavy...

    Abstract? A bit image heavy...

    Abstract? A bit image heavy...

    Abstract? A bit image heavy...

    Abstract? A bit image heavy...

    Here are a few shots of the setup I used:

    1. The water filled glasses and glass objects on the acrylic sheet.

    Abstract? A bit image heavy...

    2. A bit more of a wider view

    Abstract? A bit image heavy...

    3. The setup. You can see the laptop in front of the TV. I always shoot tethered when I do this kind of work. If you have either Lightroom or Capture One, shooting tethered is easy; all you need is a cable to connect your camera to the computer.

    Abstract? A bit image heavy...
    Last edited by Manfred M; 22nd January 2022 at 10:39 PM.

  2. #2
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Surrey, UK
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    Peter Schluter

    Re: Abstract? A bit image heavy...

    I rather like them.

  3. #3

    Re: Abstract? A bit image heavy...

    Great exercise!!! I did something similar out of sheer boredom during on of our first COVID lock-downs. I must admit mine was rather a more primitive set-up: just a cardboard box, with two sides removed and a printed striped background in front of a glass - but it was FUN!

    Abstract? A bit image heavy...

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